Computer Protection for Hostile Areas

Computers are not designed to last very long. Computer manufacturers design their machines knowing full well that within a year or two the machine will be out-of-date and probably replaced anyway. For this reason computers are assembled with cheap components and very few last beyond two to three years. However, for some processes, where performance […]

Benefits of a Dustproof Computer

Dust is often referred to as the computer killer. Dust is probably responsible for more computer and component failures than anything else. If you were to check your computer right now and removed the enclosure you will probably find a dust ball has built up inside the machine. The problem with dust is that it […]

Protecting Computers from Water and Liquids

Water is perhaps one of the most catastrophic elements to have around a computer or any other electrical equipment. Water is of course conductive (electricity passes through it easily) but it is also liquid which means it can penetrate even the smallest of gaps. We all know that it is a good idea to keep […]

Industrial Computer – Automation: Improve Production and Reduce Waste

In the current economic climate suggesting that you automate your production lines and spend money on expensive industrial computers may sound like lunacy, especially when you consider the process of industrial PC’s, yet it is during periods of recession when keeping ahead of your competitors can be the only way to survive. As the first […]

Nema 4 – FAQ

Who or what is NEMA? NEMA is the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (USA) and they provide a designation for enclosures, including computer enclosures as guidance to the level of protection they offer. NEMA is the United States equivalent of the International organisation IEC (International Electrotechnical Committee). The IEC issue IP ratings (Ingress Protection) that are […]

PC Enclosures – Dustproof Computer Solutions

Dust can be one of the biggest enemies of a computer. It can get into the workings of a machine and clog up filters and vents. This can cause over-insulation and can short circuit electronics. Dust is one of the primary reasons for the early failure of a computer, so it’s important to protect PCs […]

PC Enclosures – Waterproof Computer Solutions

Water and electrical equipment such as computers are not happy bedfellows which makes using a computer in wet areas a hazardous undertaking. However, water is liberally used in industrial areas particularly food preparation areas. Unfortunately, most computer enclosures are not designed with any waterproofing in mind and taken into an industrial environment these off-the-shelf computers […]

Protecting Computers in Hostile Environments

Having worked in both an office environment and an industrial shopfloor I am only too aware of the differences in working in the two extremes. Whilst on a shopfloor you can no longer walk around in your best suit and day shoes. Instead workers who are employed in industrial areas have to wear protective clothing […]

NEMA Codes Explained

When selecting an enclosure whether it is for an industrial computer or other type of electrical advice it is important to understand what protection it offers here is a list of the American NEMA codes that signify the protection the enclosures offer. Here are some of the most common NEMA codes used in the industrial […]

Industrial Computers and NEMA Codes

With industrial computers it is important to understand in what conditions the machines can be used in and what elements they offer protection against. NEMA codes are similar in effect to the European IP rating system (Ingress Protection) but are established by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) of North America. However, unlike the European […]