How to Setup Digital Signage for Exhibitions | A guide for SMEs

Are you a small to medium business enterprise? Competing with big players in your industry at various exhibitions? You’ve invested in digital signage and you’re ready to use it. Here are some top tips on how to set up digital signage for exhibitions that will help you to attract delegates…

Touchscreen and Outdoor Digital Signage – Using Interactive Screens

Since LCD screens and plasma TVs have taken over the home television market, their use hasn’t been just confined to homes. Modern flatscreen TVs are now just as likely to be used out of the home as part of a digital signage or advertising campaign. Digital signage displays are now regularly seen in shopping malls […]

Touch Screens: the Future of Monitors and Digital Signage

Touch screens are certainly not a new technology. Touch screen monitors have been around and in use since the 1970’s. However, recent advances in mobile phone technology, computer tablets and PDA’ shave seen touch screen monitors receive a renaissance in recent years. And with a burgeoning digital signage market expecting to continue to expand, touch […]