Digital Signage and its Contribution to E-waste

Waste from electronics is becoming a serious concern across the globe. Discarded computers, monitors, mobile phones and monitors are piling up in countries in China, Africa and the Sub-continent. It is estimated within the next 10 years the amount of electronic waste being dumped in countries like this is expected to increase five fold as […]

The Growing Number of Applications for Digital Signage

Digital out of home media (Dooh) is often described as the next big revolution in advertising. However, there is more to the implementation of digital screens than just branding and selling something. Digital signage can be used for a whole host of applications and the number of uses for this new technology is increasing all […]

32” LCD Enclosures for Cost Effective Outdoor Digital Signage

Outdoor digital signage has become a real boon for many businesses. Raising brand awareness, generating custom and driving customers through the doors are just some of the reasons people choose to invest in outdoor digital signage. However, installing LCD displays (or LED and plasma) in an outdoor location is not without its problems and costs. […]

LCD Enclosure – Cost Effective Outdoor Digital Signage in any Size

Armagard, specialists in industrial computer protection and outdoor digital signage, have a range of LCD enclosures from 17” to 70” which provide a cost effective solution for protecting LCD TVs in outdoor locations. By using an Armagard LCD enclosure, standard LCD and plasma TV equipment can be used in outdoor locations and in industrial and […]

LCD Enclosures and Outdoor Digital Signage Systems

Outdoor digital signage, the use of LCDs and plasma TV’s outside for purposes of advertising and information, is a growing industry. More and more businesses are realising the potential that digital signage can offer, particularly in outdoor locations where there is a potentially huge audience. High streets, frontages, concourses and the sides of buildings are […]

LCD Enclosure – Cost Effective Alternative for Outdoor Digital Signage

There are few business now who don’t realise the potential of using LCD TV’s for digital signage applications; they are cheap, compact and can be used for al sorts of purposes from information displays to digital out of home advertising (DooH). What puts most people off using digital signage systems, particularly outdoors or in hazardous […]

Is Digital Signage Worth It?

The growth of digital signage is hard to escape with its implementation seemingly covering every sector, from retail to finance, industrial to transport, digital signage seems to be everywhere. There also seems to be a myriad of different applications for digital signage. Advertising is amongst the most widespread of these but it is also being […]

Protecting Digital Signage – Protecting your Investment

Digital signage is often touted as ‘the next big thing.’ More and more companies are turning to the use of LCD and plasma screens to promote, inform, entertain or advertise their products. Despite the falling cost of modern flat screen TV’s such as LCD, a digital signage campaign can still be a sizeable investment, especially […]

Factory Digital Signage Made Easy

Factory floors can be hostile areas. Dust, dirt, heavy machinery and liquids such as water liberally used to wash down equipment makes the factory the last place digital signage would be expected be implemented. However, more and more industrial sectors are seeing the advantage of using LCD and plasma screens to relay important information to […]

IP65 for Outdoor Digital Signage

Whilst digital signage hasn’t been with us very long the concept of putting plasma and LCD screens outside was inevitable considering the rapid growth of the new media. Outdoor digital signage does of course pose challenges as any display has to be protected from the elements. IP65 and IP66 are often used to describe the […]