Low Cost Digital Signage Options

More and more businesses are getting into digital signage as a method of marketing and communication. And those businesses that are not already implementing out of home media like this – are considering it. One of the major factors that can often put people off getting involved in digital signage is the cost and a […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Daylight

Traditionally for outdoor use, LEDs have been the most common display type. This has been because LEDs are brighter than LCD displays so in at night time the screens stand out more – but more importantly the added luminance can counter the effects of the sun during daylight hours. Daylight and sun glare are a […]

Ways to Get Noticed – Creating that Different Digital Signage Campaign

Digital advertising has been around for quite a few years now. It is now a ubiquitous medium found everywhere from outdoor digital signage on the high street to the digital poster in shopping malls, retail units and even doctor’s offices. It has become so common that one of the fundamental reasons for investing in digital […]

Digital Signage – and the problems of Vandalism

Digital signage is a fast growing industry. However, its success, rooted in its ability to display messages to large audiences and being more attractive and engaging to passers-by is also one of the reasons why this new medium is developing some controversy. Not everyone is a fan of digital signage and it has even seen […]

Digital Signage Shown off in Europe

<!– @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } –> This week saw the Digital Signage Expo 2010 take place in Essen from the 15th – 17th June. Armagard were there to demonstrate their LCD enclsoures and outdoor digital signage solutions along with digital signage providers from all over Europe. All were there […]

Ten Ways Digital Signage could Benefit your Business

There is a myriad or reasons why people invest in digital signage from increasing brand awareness, to boosting sales to just making the company look good. Here are some of the most popular reasons why businesses buy LCD enclosures and move into digital signage. 10. Modernity – Digital signage is a modern and attractive method […]

Keeping your Digital Signage Fresh

Traditional print media has been suffering for a long time. A poster or print campaign no longer gets the same results as it would have done several years ago. One of the main problems with this type of advertising is that we are all so used to seeing it that we get used to ignoring […]

Keeping Your Digital Signage Protected

Protection for digital signage and advertising systems is often overlooked by keeping the screens protected and running in conditions that are suited for an LCD screen, is important to ensure you maximise the cost of implementing them in the first place. Implementers of outdoor digital signage often look to securing their digital signage systems from […]

Digital Signage on the Move

Digital signage is a modern buzzword for the use of electronic screens as an advertising medium. LCD, plasma and LED are all being used as modern digital billboards and there are few places where this new medium is not being implemented. However, digital signage hass been around for a few years now and while its […]

Preparing an Outdoor Digital Signage Campaign – things to remember

Digital advertising has become a boon for many industrial sectors and business in recent years and as a form of marketing it is relatively cheap (other than the initial outlay) flexible and dynamic. However, most digital signage deployment in indoor areas is restricted by the people that are visiting the building that it is in. […]