Outdoor TV at Half the Price – Take Your Home Entertainment Outside

You don’t need to spend big to get an Outdoor TV, you can take your current TV outside. How? Consider a high-quality, UK manufactured, outdoor TV enclosure. A unit designed to protect and save you money…

Using Digital Signage in Temperature Extremes

The use of screens for advertising and signage is transforming our high streets and shopping centres. No longer is digital signage just found in indoor locations as more and more outdoor campaigns are springing up all over the place. In many areas, outdoor digital signage is quite straight forward to install. An outdoor LCD enclosure […]

Impact, theft and Vandalism Protection for Digital Signage

Digital signage is everywhere. There are few locations where TV screens are not being implemented for the purposes of advertising and information and their growth is increasing. TV screens are no longer only to be found in living rooms and TV parlours. Shopping malls, doctor’s surgeries, pharmacies, waiting rooms, colleges, schools, prisons and even gas […]

The Manufacturing of Protective Environments…Part 1

When it’s cold, most of us add an extra layer and dress warmer. If it’s hot we may slip into shorts and a t-shirt, whilst if it’s raining we may use an umbrella to prevent us from getting wet. Likewise when it comes to working in hostile conditions protective workwear is often worn to protect […]