Advertising on LCD Displays

There was a time that if you wanted to advertise your product, brand or business you would have to turn to an advertising company who would print and erect the advertisements for you. Whether it was a press advert, billboard or poster campaign, there was little choice in how you could go about it. However, […]

Protecting Outdoor TVs from Attack

Over the last few years, more and more bars, restaurants and pubs are using outdoor TVs to entertain patrons. Prompted by smoking bans and the increase in flat screen technology (combined with the fall in price of modern screens) outdoor TVs are now a popular feature of many pub gardens. And it’s not just pubs […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – The Future of Billboards and Posters

Outdoor advertising has always been an essential part of marketing and outdoor advertisements create colour and are part of our everyday world outside. Without outdoor advertisements the streets and boulevards around our neighbourhoods would look quite different and some locations such as New York’s Time Square or London’s Piccadilly Circus would be unrecognizable. From bill […]

LCD Enclosures – A Fresh Approach to Outdoor Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is changing the shape of marketing by introducing more colourful and engaging imagery which is slowly replacing the traditional methods of advertising used for so many years. By using flat screen TV devices, moving images can be used to replace the tired static messages used in conventional signage and its not just in […]

The Best Locations for Digital Signage

With such an excitable atmosphere around the digital signage and out of home advertising industry it is forgivable for people to assume that using LCD TVs for the purposes of digital advertising is an easy method of generating business. However, implementing digital signage is not straight forward and the process is riddled with pitfalls. However, […]

Getting the Best Return on Investment out of Outdoor Digital Signage

Getting a return on investment is vital when embarking on any marketing campaign but with such a potentially high outlay involved with the initial implementation of digital signage, establishing a ROI is vital. Nobody wants to spend money unnecessarily; however, it can be a common occurrence when planning a digital advertising campaign making any return […]

The Growing Number of Applications for Digital Signage

Digital out of home media (Dooh) is often described as the next big revolution in advertising. However, there is more to the implementation of digital screens than just branding and selling something. Digital signage can be used for a whole host of applications and the number of uses for this new technology is increasing all […]

32” LCD Enclosures for Cost Effective Outdoor Digital Signage

Outdoor digital signage has become a real boon for many businesses. Raising brand awareness, generating custom and driving customers through the doors are just some of the reasons people choose to invest in outdoor digital signage. However, installing LCD displays (or LED and plasma) in an outdoor location is not without its problems and costs. […]

Does Digital Signage mean the end of Billboards?

There was a time that if you wanted to advertise out of doors you would either have to hire a large bill board or pay somebody to stick posters up for you. However, high street advertising has gone through a revolution of late. No longer are posters, billboards and other traditional print media the preferred […]

Dynamic Outdoor Information with Digital Signage

Information and education are important aspects for many industries. Not only do many businesses need to inform staff member and members of the public about important information such as health and safety, information is vital in the entertainment industry. Zoos, museums and theme parks often use signage to display facts and information but in a […]