LCD Enclosures and Timetable Displays, Never Miss a Departure

Digital signage displays are used to communicate all types of travel information these days, facilitating our need for accurate and on-demand information. Digital displays have become a powerful tool for reaching a moving audience. However, while prices for indoor monitors have reduced because of advancing technology, finding an outdoor solution still involves premium pricing for dedicated, but inflexible weatherproof LCD units.

Euro 2012 provides UK Manufacturing export success for Armagard

With the group stages of the EURO football well under away, Armagard celebrate the successful completion of the stadiums which were installed with their outdoor digital signage enclosures

Digital Signage Enclosures for Physical Protection

Digital out of home is similar technology to TV screens used around the home. Modern flat screen LCD and plasma screens are well suited for use as digital signage because of their sleek and discreet size, making them easy to mount on walls or in digital signage enclosures. However, one aspect of using an LCD screen out of the home that differs tremendously is keeping the screen protected.

Using Outdoor Screens as Digital Signage for News Feeds

The way people receive news and information is changing. Thanks to the Internet, smartphones, rolling news and other new media, traditional sales of newspapers are on the decline, both nationally and regionally. People no longer want to wait until the next morning to read what’s going on in the world and in their local community. News is now something people want, when they want it, and invariable this often means when they are on the move.

Benefits of Outdoor Screens for Public Buildings

Public buildings such as schools, colleges, libraries, museums and religious institutions have a need to communicate with the people that they serve. Often, this means using all sorts of traditional messaging systems from the trusty old noticeboard to sending out literature such as parish magazines.

Railway Information Screens – Importance of Protection

Timetabling and the concept of trains running on time is perhaps a British obsession. When the railways rose to prominence during the nineteenth century, train scheduling and timetables became an essential part of life. So much so, the first national timescale was developed, known as Railway Time, which eventually became Greenwich Meantime. Keeping railway customers […]

The Three Major Environments for UK Outdoor Digital Signage

While still trailing behind indoor screens, outdoor digital signage is becoming increasingly more prevalent. Three major locations, however, dominate outdoor digital signage: roadside, transport and retail. Transport The leading outdoor digital signage environment with 50% of all spent revenue is transport. Including signs placed on subways in train stations and airports, the transport industry also […]

Digital Signage in Distribution and Manufacturing

Digital signage is becoming more and more prevalent. It seems no matter where you go a digital display will be trying to sell or promote something to you. From the gas stations to the doctor’s surgery, shopping malls to even outside the local church, few people can doubt the ubiquity of this new medium. And […]

Libraries, Churches and Community Centres – Using an Outdoor Screen

While many outdoor screens are used for digital signage or providing information such as wayfinding, other uses for using an external display do exist and can help improve services offered by institutions. Schools, colleges, churches, community halls and public libraries all provide essential services but communicating with local services can often be a challenge, especially […]

IP Ratings and What they Mean for Outdoor screen Enclosures

The international protection rating system, often referred to as ingress protection ratings (IP ratings), is a system that governs the protection offered by electrical enclosures. It provides more accurate information than vague terms, such as dustproof and waterproof. IP ratings are commonly used throughout Europe, and they’re defined by international standard IEC 60529 (International Electrical […]