Digital Signage – Exclusivity and Modernity

If you go into an exclusive store, shop or boutique these days, it is more than likely you will come across digital signage screens promoting items or being used for brand awareness. Indeed in some exclusive stores, digital screens have all but replaced the traditional print media and even outdoor digital signage is being deployed […]

Watching Football Outdoors – Outdoor TVs

Watching the big game with friends and family often involves going around to somebody’s home or the local pub, where often people relax with a drink to watch the latest football action.

The Effectiveness of DOOH (Digital Out of Home) Advertising

Out of home advertising is an effective form of promotion and one of the oldest types of advertising. For centuries, signs, posters and billboards have been used to promote and advertise products outdoors and our high streets are jam-packed with them. From large billboards at the side of the road, outdoor adverts on bus stops […]

Budgeting for Digital Signage Screens

With such a rise in use, digital signage is the fastest and one of the most effective forms of out of home advertising, and has become a common sight in many locations from the shopping mall to the airport. The spread of digital advertising continues to grow as the cost of the technology falls and […]

Using Plasma and LCD Screens in Wash Down Environments

Modern flat screen TVs are far more useful that their CRT predecessors. There thin nature means they can be used in all sorts of locations, for all sorts of purposes, not just for TV viewing, from digital signage and advertising screens, to providing information and acting as computer monitors. Screens are ideal for businesses too, […]

Protect Outdoor Screens from Vandalism and Theft

Screens are now a common sight outdoors. The use of outdoor digital signage, information screens and outdoor TVs in pub beer gardens has grown dramatically since the development of outdoor LCD and plasma screens. These outdoor TVs are very similar to the ones we use at home only they are weatherproof and often have higher […]

Information and Interactive Outdoor Signage

Outdoor advertising is a huge industry. In the UK alone it accounts for nearly £1.4 billion annually and is growing over ten percent each year, driven partly by the outdoor digital signage market, which currently makes up 14% of all outdoor sales (£1 in £8 spent). Outdoor digital signage is becoming increasingly attractive to advertisers […]

Digital Outdoor Advertising Nationwide in the UK

Outdoor digital signage networks, formerly only seen in London and large cities is now spreading throughout the UK with several big name companies investing in nationwide campaigns. Two big names, Kraft and Vodaphone, are expanding their digital outdoor advertising campaigns out of London and spreading them throughout the rest to the country. Meanwhile, the two […]

Digital Signage – Common Questions

Being a new media, digital signage is still a mystery to many people and while many retailers and advertisers are taking advantage of the versatility and flexibility of digital advertising, some people are being left behind as they are unsure exactly as to how, or why, they should embark down the digital signage route. To […]

2011 – A Year for Digital Signage

Digital signage is already a burgeoning industry worth somewhere in the region of £2 billion worldwide.  And this year it is expected to expand further, particularly here in the UK where the industry is expected to grow by up to a quarter. Recent surveys indicate that in retail there are currently 46,000 stores now using […]