Planning Outdoor Digital Signage

Outdoor digital signage has many uses and advantages. For advertising an outdoor screen will receive far more views than a comparable indoor display, while for providing information, an outdoor screen can reach customers and service users before they enter a  building, providing crucial information. Businesses, public buildings and educational facilities are increasingly turning to outdoor […]

Information Screens and the Speed of Delivery

Delivering information is an essential aspect for many businesses and institutions. Keeping customers, workers and visitors informed requires dynamic communication systems that can relay information as soon as it comes in. Providing out-of-date information is often worse than providing no information at all, which is one of the reasons why information screens are becoming popular […]

There is More to just Waterproofing for Outdoor Digital Signage Protection

There has been an increase in the amount of outdoor waterproof TVs that are being manufactured in recent years. Driven by the rise of outdoor digital signage, perhaps the fastest growing sector in the out of home advertising industry, these outdoor screens are becoming the display of choice for those embarking on outdoor digital signage […]

Railway Information Screens – Importance of Protection

Timetabling and the concept of trains running on time is perhaps a British obsession. When the railways rose to prominence during the nineteenth century, train scheduling and timetables became an essential part of life. So much so, the first national timescale was developed, known as Railway Time, which eventually became Greenwich Meantime. Keeping railway customers […]

How Long Does an Outdoor Screen Last?

A PYE television, one of the first commercial televisions ever produced, is still operating after 65 years. TV collector Steve Farley, is still using the television, which has, in its lifetime, shown events such as Queen Elizabeth’s coronation, the moon landings and the assassination of JFK. Cathode Ray Tube televisions (CRTs) like this, while bulky […]

Outdoor Screens – Choosing Landscape or Portrait

When using outdoor screens for outdoor digital signage or information, once choice that requires some thought is the orientation of the screen. When using television at home to watch regular programming or DVDs, the screen is in landscape mode, with most screens implementing widescreen to provide a 16:9 aspect ratio (16 units wide, 9 high)

Outdoor Digital Signage – Making your Own Content

With the falling cost of LCD screens and the ease and practicality of LCD enclosures, outdoor digital signage is no longer only for big businesses and advertisers. More and more smaller companies and institutions are installing outdoor screens for communication, branding, providing information or advertising.

Protecting Outdoor Information Screens – Ensuring Readability

In such a fast-paced world, people want to be kept informed. In the service industry, when people are forced to wait it leads to complaints and disgruntled customers. Transport companies have long known this and have always tried to keep customers up-to-date of the latest developments. Knowing about train delays, timetable changes and cancellations is […]

Digital Signage Content – Simply Does It

Digital signage is one of the fastest growing forms of advertising. Many indoor locations with high footfalls, such as shopping malls, concourses and airports have LCD screens providing advertising and promotional content. And even around high streets and city centres, outdoor digital signage is becoming a popular feature. Having been around for several years now, […]

Weather and Outdoor Screens

When a screen is being used outdoors for such purposes as outdoor digital signage, it is fairly obvious that it is going to need protecting from the weather. However, protecting a screen from outdoor elements is not as easy as it may sound, and several important factors need taking into consideration. The first problem with […]