Places to Find Outdoor Digital Signage

Digital signage has been taken up by many industries, companies and institutes. LCD devices used for digital out of home advertising (DooH) are now in a huge variety of places from doctor’s surgeries to shop floors. In fact, we are now becoming so used to having TV screens all around us that the initial uniqueness […]

Dynamic Outdoor Information with Digital Signage

Information and education are important aspects for many industries. Not only do many businesses need to inform staff member and members of the public about important information such as health and safety, information is vital in the entertainment industry. Zoos, museums and theme parks often use signage to display facts and information but in a […]

The Digital Billboard – How TVs are Replacing Fly Posters

Street advertising has long been part of the aesthetics of our high streets. From bus shelters, walls to lampposts, blank spaces are constantly utilised by advertisers and promoters. And why not? After-all, following the initial outlay of printing and posting, once they are up, a billposter, bill board or other hoarding will be seen by […]

The Pitfalls of Implementing Outdoor Digital Signage

Just as digital signage has revolutionised advertising in indoor locations; replacing traditional communication methods in all sorts of locations – outdoor digital signage is set to do the same ouside. Whilst trailing behind regular out of home advertising, outdoor digital signage is still the fastest growing aspect of this new media revolution. However, as with […]

Effective Exterior Advertising with Outdoor Digital Signage

Digital signage is still a new medium but it has become incredibly popular in recent years and is now a multi-billion dollar industry. One of the most popular uptake sectors for this new dynamic out of home advertising has been the retail sector. Stores, pharmacies, department stores and shopping malls have all become veritable galleries […]

LCD on the Move – Travelling Digital Signage

The digital out of home (DooH) revolution has changed the way businesses and organisations relay information. And compared to traditional print media, digital signage is far more dynamic and engaging. In fact, many companies are finding that digital signage is now essential as with so many displays beings used for this purpose, traditional print image […]

Impact, theft and Vandalism Protection for Digital Signage

Digital signage is everywhere. There are few locations where TV screens are not being implemented for the purposes of advertising and information and their growth is increasing. TV screens are no longer only to be found in living rooms and TV parlours. Shopping malls, doctor’s surgeries, pharmacies, waiting rooms, colleges, schools, prisons and even gas […]

Industries that can Benefit from Outdoor Digital Signage

Outdoor digital signage is one of the fastest growing sectors in the digital advertising market. One of the reasons for this is the potential audience that an outdoor system can attract compared to any indoor signage. No matter how many people set foot in your premises each day, more people will walk past so the […]

Waterproofing Digital Signage

The number of locations where digital signage is to be found is increasing every day. New installations are springing up all over the place, particularly in outdoor locations. Outdoor digital signage is one of the growing areas of this relatively new industry. Implementing TVs for outside advertising will lead to a larger audience than a […]

Touch Screens: the Future of Monitors and Digital Signage

Touch screens are certainly not a new technology. Touch screen monitors have been around and in use since the 1970’s. However, recent advances in mobile phone technology, computer tablets and PDA’ shave seen touch screen monitors receive a renaissance in recent years. And with a burgeoning digital signage market expecting to continue to expand, touch […]