Novel uses of Digital Signage

You may be excused in thinking that digital signage is all about adverting and while promotional and advertisements make up a large proportion of the uptake in this new technology, there are other uses for digital screens taken out of home. Information Providing information has become a key facet of digital signage technology. Hospitals, schools, […]

Countering Vandalism – With Outdoor Digital Signage

There are many challenges facing outdoor digital signage installers. Placing an electronic device like an LCD in an outdoor location comes with numerous obvious challenges so any LCD enclosure tasked with protecting an outdoor LCD system has to ensure it can protect the device from rainfall, temperature and other elements. However, there are other hazards […]

Choosing a Digital Signage System to Fit your Needs

Digital Signage is often cited as a low cost method of advertising to a large audience. And digital signage can certainly reach a large scale audience but the ROI (Return on Investment) for installing all those screens is not so straightforward. There are numerous different solutions for digital advertising too; from the simple digital poster […]

Advertising Milestones – Digital Signage

There have been many huge steps in advertising over its history. From the first print advertisement following the invention of the Gutenberg press, to the first radio adverts broadcast at the beginning of the twentieth century, these milestones have changed the face of advertising for good. And advertisers know just how important new innovations in […]

What Makes a Successful Digital Signage Campaign?

Digital signage is a new and exciting form of advertising that is rowing in popularity making it one of the fastest growing sectors in the AV industry. However, as any new media, digital signage is prone to successes and failures and installers work out, by trial and error, what works and what doesn’t. But for […]

Outdoor Advertising Tips – Go Digital

Advertisers are always looking for something new to break free from the crowd. The problem with most forms of advertising is that with so much about, people become accustomed to it and to make an impression becomes increasingly difficult. With outdoor advertising this problem is amplified because of the amount of unsolicited bill posters and […]

Step-by-step: Implementing Digital Signage for Beginners

There are few people who are now aware of digital signage. Modern electronic billboards, digital posters and other signage displays are now cropping up all over the place with installs regularly seen in shopping malls, high street store frontages, concourses and even outside restaurants as electronic menu boards. It seems that everybody is getting involved […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Sunshine Problems

There are plenty of challenges when implementing outdoor digital signage but despite this more and more digital displays are being erected outside to take advantage of the higher audience numbers these outdoor digital advertising displays can generate. While the most obvious challenge for taking a commercial grade LCD display outside is protecting it from the […]

Advertising Techniques – Benefits of Digital Signage

If you are somehow involved with the advertisement industry you will surely be aware by now of digital signage. Perhaps the biggest revolution in advertising since the rise of the internet, digital out of home media (as digital signage is often referred to as) is changing the shape of the advertising landscape. Digital signage has […]

Retailers – Take Your Digital Signage Outside

There are few retailers who have yet to experience the benefits of digital signage. Small advertising screens are in all sorts of retail areas from gas stations to point of sale queues at supermarkets; there seems to be few retail establishments that have taken up this new medium. However, despite the success of this modern […]