Outdoor TV – Protection, Price and Performance

Outdoor TV Installation Becoming More Popular Outdoor TVs are becoming a popular item in both homes and businesses. Many pubs, bars, and restaurants are installing them to entertain customers in outdoor locations. Plus, homeowners are installing them in patios, barbecue areas and gardens as more and more people take to outdoor living. Installing a TV […]

Choosing the Correct Sized Screen and Orientation for Digital Signage Applications

Choosing screens for digital signage can often be a difficult task. Whether it’s for a retail unit or for outdoor digital signage, one of the most common errors that people implementing digital signage often make is choosing the wrong sized screen. Obviously, as with any advertising or information system you want your digital screen to […]

Keeping Outdoor Screens Cool

Outdoor digital signage is the fastest growing outdoor advertising sector. In the USA, mainland Europe and the UK – outdoor screens are becoming commonplace; used for signage, information and entertainment. But using screens outdoors is a new preoccupation and it can be all too easy to underestimate the requirements of the screen and the location […]

Digital Poster – digital signage made easy

With so many facets to a digital signage campaign – screens, media players, content, LCD enclosures – it can be extremely daunting for those without much technical know-how to get involved. And when you just want a simple solution to promote products having to outsource several aspects can make the whole scheme seem too much […]

Advertising with Outdoor Digital Signage – A Growing Media

Outdoor Digital Signage is one of only two forms of advertising that is still growing in the UK (the other being mobile advertising) according to the Outdoor Advertising Association (OAA). This is possibly due to outdoor digital signage not only being more engaging to consumers compared to traditional static media but it is also perhaps […]

LCD Outdoor TV Enclosure – Now anyone can have an outdoor TV

Now TV screens have become flatter, lighter and have better picture qualities we are used to seeing them everywhere. Digital signage is the next step in out of home advertising and more and more leisure areas such as gyms, swimming baths, beer gardens and patio areas are starting to install outdoor TVs. More and more […]

Retail Advertising – Reasons to go Digital

Digital signage is continuing to grow as a industry sector. One of the largest users of digital screens for advertising, including outdoor digital signage, is the retail sector. The advantages and uses of using digital screens for advertising and promotion are manifold and while in some industries there can be difficulties in establishing the return […]

Digital Signage – The Price of Outdoor Screens

The digital revolution has finally reached the high street with outdoor LCD screens now a popular feature in many retail parks, high streets and even along road sides. With such large potential audience numbers, it is no wonder many digital signage and advertisers are looking to outdoor digital signage as the next step. The one […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Avoiding the High Costs

There are many advantages to using outdoor screens for digital signage: The audience figures are higher than an indoor campaign There is less digital signage competition It is noticeable to commuters, bus passengers and car drivers But there are disadvantages too, mainly in the cost of installing a screen outdoors and ensuring it will operate […]

Outdoor Screens in Remote Areas

Digital out of home media has come a long way over the last decade. From retail stores and shopping malls to the outdoor digital signage that is being used along roadsides and along high streets – it seems TV screens are now everywhere. And this technology is not just being used for the purposes of […]