Outdoor Digital Signage at the Seaside

The traditional seaside resort is having a renaissance in the UK as more and more people opt to holiday at home rather than face the hassles and high costs of flying and travelling abroad. As a result, many of the traditional resorts along the English coastline are seeing record numbers of visitors, and the extra […]

The Technical Challenges of Outdoor Digital Signage

Installing a screen for advertising, promotion or information in a public location can be a challenge no matter where it is. Digital signage is very technical and the requirements of networking, content uploading, cabling etc. can be a challenge but these are magnified when the screens are placed outside. Outdoor digital signage has all the […]

Ideal Places for Outdoor Digital Signage

Digital signage is now no longer an infant innovation. Screens in indoor locations such as shopping malls, concourses and inside retail stores, are now a common sight with more locations such as petrol stations and pharmacies implementing the technology all the time. There seems there is no location where digital signage hasn’t been installed including […]

Differences between Indoor and Outdoor Digital Signage

Screens used for advertising, branding, promotion and information are now a common sight in a myriad of locations. Few people will fail to notice the number of screens in their local shopping mall, subway or even around town as outdoor digital signage is becoming common too. There is, however, a big difference between indoor and […]

Steel Protection for Outdoor Screens

Screens are now becoming increasingly common in outdoor locations. From digital advertising, outdoor digital signage, information screens to outdoor TVs for entertainment; there are a myriad of outdoor uses for modern flatscreen LCDs and plasma TVs. Protection for these devices is critical in outdoor locations as most screens used for digital signage, advertising or information, […]

Protect Outdoor Screens – Simply and Cheaply

Taking a screen outdoors is now becoming common. Whether it’s a homeowner, wanting to watch the ballgame in the backyard; an advertising company, wanting to advertise with outdoor digital signage; or you need to provide information, such as news, weather or timetabling, using an outdoor screen is an obvious solution. Outdoor TVs are manufactured to […]

Outdoor Digital Signage to Continue Expansion Through 2011

2010 has been a busy year for the digital signage market with the industry growing far faster than other sectors with digital out of home growing by 16 percent last year – which is extraordinary when you consider the global financial problems of last year. And the industry is expected to expand further with analysts […]

Protecting Screens in Outdoor Locations

Outdoor screens are now a popular and common from of information and advertising. Far more practical than static signage, outdoor digital signage has many benefits: Attractive and eye-catching outdoor digital signage will be far more noticeable than static signage. Moving images and transitions draw the eye and make the content really stand out. Remote uploading […]

How Outdoor Digital Signage Could Improve Your Business

In such a competitive environment, nearly all businesses are looking for new methods to get ahead of the competition. This is one of the driving forces behind the digital out of home (Dooh) revolution of the last few years, where digital signage has begun to become as commonplace as other forms of out of home […]

UK Outdoor Digital Signage Continues to Thrive

While nobody can deny that digital out of home (Dooh) is continuing to grow, this growth is slowing down in the indoor market as indoor advertisers are reaching a zenith. There is, after-all, only a limited amount of space where screens can be situated and digital indoor, in many towns and cities, is ubiquitous. The […]