Using Flat Screen TVs Outside? Methods of Protection

There was a time where the only place you would find a television was in somebody’s from room or perhaps in a bar or pub. Now TVs are being used almost everywhere for all sorts of reasons; from outdoor entertainment to digital advertising and signage. Normal TV systems have come a long way since the […]

Getting the Best Return on Investment out of Outdoor Digital Signage

Getting a return on investment is vital when embarking on any marketing campaign but with such a potentially high outlay involved with the initial implementation of digital signage, establishing a ROI is vital. Nobody wants to spend money unnecessarily; however, it can be a common occurrence when planning a digital advertising campaign making any return […]

Digital Signage and its Contribution to E-waste

Waste from electronics is becoming a serious concern across the globe. Discarded computers, monitors, mobile phones and monitors are piling up in countries in China, Africa and the Sub-continent. It is estimated within the next 10 years the amount of electronic waste being dumped in countries like this is expected to increase five fold as […]

The Growing Number of Applications for Digital Signage

Digital out of home media (Dooh) is often described as the next big revolution in advertising. However, there is more to the implementation of digital screens than just branding and selling something. Digital signage can be used for a whole host of applications and the number of uses for this new technology is increasing all […]

Dynamic Outdoor Information with Digital Signage

Information and education are important aspects for many industries. Not only do many businesses need to inform staff member and members of the public about important information such as health and safety, information is vital in the entertainment industry. Zoos, museums and theme parks often use signage to display facts and information but in a […]

Industries that can Benefit from Outdoor Digital Signage

Outdoor digital signage is one of the fastest growing sectors in the digital advertising market. One of the reasons for this is the potential audience that an outdoor system can attract compared to any indoor signage. No matter how many people set foot in your premises each day, more people will walk past so the […]

Types of Protection for Digital Signage

Digital signage is the use of TV systems for out of home advertising. More-often-than not standard commercial televisions are used as many digital signage campaigns are run in indoor locations such as retail units or stores. However, as more and more people begin to take advantage of this relatively low cost method of advertising, more […]

Secrets of Digital Signage – The LCD Enclosure

    As with any new industry and innovation, implementing and using digital signage often involves a considerable amount of trial an error. The industry is still too new for any solid rules and conventions to make utilising digital signage easier. However, there are already some emerging secrets that many digital signage installers are using […]

Industrial and Outdoor Protection for Digital Displays

Since the introduction of flatscreen display technology there has been a huge boom in the use of these LCD and plasma displays outside the home for advertising and information reasons. The reasons for this boom in out of home advertising and digital signage can be put down to several factors but some of the main […]

Why the Need for an LCD Enclosure

LCD enclosures are protective cabinets for LCD TVs and plasma screens that house standard devices and ensure they are operating in the optimum working conditions. But why the need to protect LCDs after-all most TV screens operate perfectly well without an LCD enclosure? However, not every LCD TV is situated in a warm cosy environment […]