Retailers – Take Your Digital Signage Outside

There are few retailers who have yet to experience the benefits of digital signage. Small advertising screens are in all sorts of retail areas from gas stations to point of sale queues at supermarkets; there seems to be few retail establishments that have taken up this new medium. However, despite the success of this modern […]

LCD Enclosures – Extreme Protection for Outdoor Screens

TV screens are used for far more applications than just home entertainment these days. Not only are LCD screens commonly used with computer systems, they have also been taken out of the home and implemented into the world of advertising and information. Digital signage and information screens are now found almost everywhere. Shopping malls, high […]

Digital Advertising and Taking the Next Step – Outdoor Digital Signage

Since LCD screens were first used as out of home advertising, digital signage has gone a long way. LCD displays and screens are no cropping up almost everywhere: Gas stations, waiting rooms, surgeries, and pharmacies; not to mention the myriad of store and high street retailers that are installing digital signage for advertising. In fact, […]

Advantages of Stainless Steel in Digital Signage – LCD Enclosures

Stainless steel is an important material in digital signage applications. LCD screens are now used in a whole host of environments and areas. From retail to outdoor digital signage; hospitals to use in factories and industrial areas; LCD screens can be found everywhere. In many of these areas and applications, wash down and general cleanliness […]

Protecting Digital Signage in Outdoor Locations

Outdoor digital signage is a world apart from using screens and displays in indoor environments. Your average in store digital sign operates in a location not too dissimilar to those of the home entertainment environment that displays such as LCD or plasma were designed for. Outdoor locations however, are not conducive to the operation of […]

The Roadside Battle – Digital Signage along Highways

One of the fastest growing areas for outdoor digital signage is the use of large outdoor screens along roadsides. These digital billboards are replacing the giant print hoardings along highways, roads and expressways. However, following concerns about this dynamic medium’s affect on drivers and whether they could cause a distraction has seen digital roadside hoardings […]

Digital Signage to Play a Part in the UKs General Election

With a general election announced for the UK, voters have been inundated with campaign messages from all the main parties. From part political broadcasts on TV to giant roadside billboards, the UK electorate is used to receiving political messages from the great and the good. However, the forthcoming general election is the first time in […]

Protecting Outdoor TVs from Attack

Over the last few years, more and more bars, restaurants and pubs are using outdoor TVs to entertain patrons. Prompted by smoking bans and the increase in flat screen technology (combined with the fall in price of modern screens) outdoor TVs are now a popular feature of many pub gardens. And it’s not just pubs […]

Digital Signage and the Law – Importance of responsible installations

It is quite common on many empty city walls and properties to see the words: ‘Bill posters will be prosecuted.’ Irresponsible outdoor advertising has been responsible for legislation preventing the unauthorised use of outdoor advertisements as well as blackening the name of those responsible street advertisers. A similar problem is now arising with the arrival […]

Outdoor Advertising Tips – Going Digital

Outdoor advertising has always been a cost effective and successful method of raising brand awareness. Fly posters, bill boards and hoardings on high streets and bus stops are a great way of displaying a message to a broad base of people that will be passing by each day. However, advertising is not as effective as […]