Challenges of Outdoor Displays

Outdoor displays are increasing in popularity due to the benefits of using an LCD screens; in comparison with traditional methods of providing information or marketing, which far outweigh the initial overheads of implementing outdoor screens. The challenges involved with outdoor digital signage are quite numerous: weather protection, temperature control, coping with direct sunlight and anti-vandalism […]

How an Outdoor Screen will Benefit your Business

The use of LCD screens out of home has advanced rapidly over the last few years. From information screens in transport hubs to digital signage posters in shopping malls and retail stores – they seem to be everywhere. And more commonly screens are starting to appear outside either for outdoor digital signage or for information […]

Digital Signage – Protection Options for Outdoor Locations

Outdoor digital signage is a rapidly advancing sector of the industry. With so much competition in indoor locations it is no wonder more and more advertisers are taking screens outdoors in the hope of getting higher audiences and increased returns. While using digital screens in an indoor location has become somewhat of a fool-proof activity, […]

The Role of LCD Enclosures in Digital Signage

With digital signage now being so prevalent there are few locations where screens haven’t yet been used for either advertising or information. But not every location is suitable for display screens – especially in outside or industrial locations where weather and other elements can damage and disable a screen. This is where LCD enclosures come […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – The Glitz and Glamour of Vegas on any High street

Digital signage is a new medium. LCD screens, plasmas and other flat screen displays have only been used out of home for the last decade or so. But outdoor advertisers have always implemented technology and moving imagery and there are many famous locations where the advertisements have become famous: Piccadilly Circus in London, Times Square […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – It can be made easy!

Outdoor digital signage can be real benefit for almost any business. For retail it provides an advertising platform that reaches and audience no other media can match for the price. Whilst as a method of raising awareness, generating brand interest or just providing information – there is no better method than outdoor digital signage. But […]

When Outdoor Digital Signage Goes Wrong

Perhaps the fastest growing sector in the digital out of home market is in the growth of outdoor digital signage screens. A few years behind the indoor market, outdoor digital signage is now catching up fast. More and more installs are being erected along roadsides, high streets and outside shop frontages. But it is not […]

Outdoor Digital Signage & Simplicity – Take it easy on yourself

Outdoor digital signage can be a veritable minefield of pitfalls, challenges and unforeseen events that can make even the best thought out plans fall to pieces, especially if you are trying to establish a return on investment. And that is the crux of any digital advertising campaign, indoors or out. If your signage campaign is […]

Looking for an Outdoor TV Reasons to Consider an LCD Enclosure

The outdoor TVs market is a burgeoning one. What was once a singularly exclusive and highly expensive products manufactured by only a couple of companies. However, with the growth of outdoor digital signage and the increase in outdoor TV viewing (partly brought about by nationwide smoking bans) more and more outdoor LCD TVs are emerging […]

Raising your Profile – What Digital Signage can do for you

Image has never been as important as it is today. Consumers are no longer swayed by just cheap deals and special offers, looks can mean everything, especially in some retail sectors. So when it comes to advertising, setting the right impression is vital. An advert may be the first time some people are introduced to […]