Computer Hardware Problems in the Chiller and Freezer

In food distribution hubs, chilled and freezer environments are an essential part of keeping stock fresh and storing food until required by shops and supermarkets. Recently, especially among the big name supermarkets, these chilled distribution hubs have become huge locations, in central locations, where masses of stock are stored before distribution. Keeping track of this […]

Computer and Touch Screen Enclosures – Flexible Shopfloor IT

As a provider of protective enclosures for computers, printers, screens and displays, one of the common questions industrial buyers often ask is why use industrial computer enclosures when a solid-state industrial PC could do the same job. Of course, industrial computers are designed to work in the rough and tumble world of the shopfloor, but […]

Using LCD Screens and Displays in Industrial Locations

LCD devices have revolutionised the TV and display world. Flat panel screens are no longer just a device found in living rooms and TV parlours but is used for computer displays, digital signage and even on the shopfloor in factories and industrial locations. The reason for the success and widespread use of LCDs is two-fold; […]

The Manufacturing of Protective Environments…Part 2

Continued… Protecting devices, whether it is a computer, touch screen, printer or LCD TV requires creating a total environment where the optimum conditions that the device can operate in. These protective environments often come in the guise of protective enclosures. LCD enclosures, industrial computer enclosures and enclosures for printers and touch screens house conventional, off-the-shelf […]

How to Create the Perfect Environment for Protecting Equipment in Industrial Areas

Keeping equipment such as computers, printers, touch screens and other monitors such as LCD TVs protected in industrial locations is vital to ensuring the continued operation of such equipment. Ensuring a computer will continue to function could even be mission critical so it is vital that any of the hazards located in the areas where […]

Industrial Computers – Pros and Cons

  The industrial computer has been around since the early eighties when it was recognised that computing could be as advantageous for the factory floor as it was for offices. Industrial computers are mostly based around the same technology as standard desktop computers but are built to be more rugged and durable. The industrial computer […]

Factory Digital Signage Made Easy

Factory floors can be hostile areas. Dust, dirt, heavy machinery and liquids such as water liberally used to wash down equipment makes the factory the last place digital signage would be expected be implemented. However, more and more industrial sectors are seeing the advantage of using LCD and plasma screens to relay important information to […]

3 Reasons Why You Do Not Need an Industrial Computer

We all know how important computers are. No office can be without one and even in industry it is rare for processes to still be manually controlled. Computers reduce waste, increase efficiency and boost productivity. Industrial computers have been around as long as the office PC and are an essential tool in driving down costs. […]

IP65 LCDs Explained – All Weather Digital Signage…Part 1

IP 65 is a term bandied around quite a lot in the digital signage industry and yet many people are still unsure of exactly what IP 65 and what it represents. IP 65 is part of the ‘ingress protection’ rating system used throughout the European Union. The IP system designates numbers to the enclosures of […]

Digital Signage Protection – Using LCD Outdoors

There has been a dramatic rise in LCD screens over the last few years and as the technology has developed so the price has fallen. As a consequence LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) technology has completely overhauled CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) screens which are now obsolete. As a result TV and display screens have never been […]