LCD Enclosures – Not Just Outdoor

LCD enclosures provide comprehensive protection for TV screens–waterproofing, temperature control and physical protection. This level of protection makes LCD Enclosures ideal for outdoor digital signage, but this is not the only use for them. Since the rise of the LCD and plasma flat screen, TVs have found their way into a whole host of other […]

Avoiding Hidden Costs with Outdoor Digital Signage Installation

Outdoor digital signage is becoming an increasingly prevalent medium. Following on from the ubiquitous spread of indoor screens, the use of LCD outdoors, for advertising, promotion and branding as rocketed in recent years thanks to the falling cost of technology and the increase in the number of companies involved in the digital outdoor sector. There […]

Benefits of a Digital Poster for LCD Digital Signage

Digital posters are a form of LCD digital signage or digital out of home (Dooh) advertising that is becoming increasingly popular in recent months. LCD digital signage is the use of standard LCD or plasma TVs as a means of relaying corporate information for marketing purposes. The digital poster, as it is often called, is […]

Press Release – LCD Enclosure and Outdoor Digital Signage Manufacturer Continues to Grow Despite Recession.

Armagard, manufacturers of outdoor LCD enclosures and protection for computers, touch screens and printers for the digital signage market have admitted that 2009 has been a bumper year, despite the recession. The UK based manufacturer has seen profits rise continually throughout the year despite the UK being one of the only western countries to still […]

Creating a Protective Environment for Computers, Printers and LCD Screens

There is much more to protecting computers, printer, TV and touch screens in hazardous and harmful environments than just enclosing the device in a metal box. Industrial areas, outside locations and unmanned locales provide different hazards and potential problems for any electrical equipment. In industrial areas the amount of airborne particles and liquids can be […]

Digital Signage the Basics

Digital signage is still a very new industry and as such it often draws a lot of confusion from people unaware as to exactly what it is and whether its implementation is worth it for their business. In short, digital signage is the use of  LED, plasma and LCD display screens in public areas for […]

Outdoor LCD – Changing the Shape of our High Streets

Signage has always been an important aspect of our lives. From giving us road directions to informing us of the latest sales, signs provide useful information as well as being a direct sales tool for retailers. However, signage has been going through what can only be described as a revolution in recent years thanks to […]

Benefits of a LCD Enclosure

LCD TVs are now used for far more applications than just watching the latest dramas and sit-coms. LCD’s have started to change the shape of our high streets as they are used in a myriad of digital signage applications. It’s not just inside in retail stores that LCD’s are being implemented as digital signage but […]

Implementation of Outdoor Digital Signage

The great outdoors has always provided challenges for people and the world of digital signage is no different. Having covered the concourses and receptions of hotels, schools, colleges, shopping malls and even supermarkets digital signage is now being regularly implemented outdoors. But the great outdoors poses plenty of challenges for LCD and plasma devices left […]

History of Signs – from Roman Columns to Digital Signage

The growth of digital signage and use of innovations such as plasma screens and LCD enclosures has caused a revolution but this is nothing new in the history of signage. Signs have been around since human beings first began expressing themselves by drawing in caves. Whilst most of these images were probably ritualistic or spiritual […]