LCD Enclosures and Timetable Displays, Never Miss a Departure

Digital signage displays are used to communicate all types of travel information these days, facilitating our need for accurate and on-demand information. Digital displays have become a powerful tool for reaching a moving audience. However, while prices for indoor monitors have reduced because of advancing technology, finding an outdoor solution still involves premium pricing for dedicated, but inflexible weatherproof LCD units.

Euro 2012 provides UK Manufacturing export success for Armagard

With the group stages of the EURO football well under away, Armagard celebrate the successful completion of the stadiums which were installed with their outdoor digital signage enclosures

Outdoor Digital Signage Costs

Outdoor digital signage is more expensive to implement than using indoor displays. Not only is the installation more costly, with the networking and powering of the screen complicated by the outdoor location, but also outdoor screens are more expensive as they are waterproof and are designed to cope with the variable temperature extremes that screens face throughout the year.

Information Screens for Outdoors

For the service sector, providing information is an essential part of customer service. For the transport industry schedules, timetables and news of delays is important information that customers need to know. Other industries in the service sector need a method of providing information, restaurants have a need to explain what’s on and what’s off the […]

Using Audio with Digital Signage – Good Idea?

While digital signage is mainly concentrated on visual imagery, using modern LCD and plasma screens to provide advertising, branding and promotional content, one feature of the television hardly used is the speakers. Audio is rarely used for digital signage applications but why is this? Surely, as TVs at home provide sound, why can’t out of […]

LCD Enclosures at Railway Stations

While digital signage and the use of screens is a common sight around the high street promoting, selling and advertising, modern TV devices like LCDs have other common uses. The transport industry, in particular the railways, have uses LCD screens for providing information for years. A common sight inside railway stations, screens let passengers know […]

Backyard TV – Household Luxury on a Budget

Spending time in the garden or pack yard is one of the simplest pleasures in life, especially for those of us that only get to see the sun for a few precious weeks each year. Barbecues, parties, or drinks with friends, are just some of the pleasures having your own back garden can provide. Not […]

Waterproof Computer Products

Computers are now a ubiquitous tool. No longer just found in offices, bedrooms and studies, they are used in all sorts of locations; from factories to warehouses, hospitals to abattoirs, and schools to clean rooms. Obviously, not all these locations are as clean, warm and dry as your average office – and many industrial locations […]

Keeping you on the Move – Digital Signage and Transportation

Digital signage is no longer a niche industry. Over the last few years the use of screens for advertising, marketing and information has gone from a few retail locations to having spread along our high streets with outdoor digital signage. One industry that has constantly been at the forefront of the digital signage game has […]

Outdoor Screens Made Simple

No longer are TV screens only found in the front rooms and TV parlours. Modern flat screen devices like the LCD TV are commonly used in out of home activities like advertising and digital signage. And even outside these screens are replacing the billboards and signage commonly associated with outdoor advertising. However, outdoor digital signage […]