Cinema digital signage: How to make the most of digital screens at the movies

Make more money, save more money and make use of multiple messaging options, with cinema digital signage.

Modern Advertising with Digital Posters

Advertising to takes so many forms these days; at home television and radio advertisements are efficient methods of selling and promoting and newspapers and magazines also provide advertisers with good opportunities. Out of home advertising has also been a traditional mainstay of the marketer’s arsenal; however, as modern technology and a more media savvy audience, […]

Digital Poster – digital signage made easy

With so many facets to a digital signage campaign – screens, media players, content, LCD enclosures – it can be extremely daunting for those without much technical know-how to get involved. And when you just want a simple solution to promote products having to outsource several aspects can make the whole scheme seem too much […]

Digital Posters – Marketing in a modern world

The poster is familiar to us all; for over a hundred years posters have been providing visual imagery for a multitude of reasons: • Promotion • Commercial • Political • Art Posters were a natural development of the printing process and once colour lithography became commonplace they started cropping up everywhere. Now, posters are everywhere […]

Digital Posters – Entry Level Digital Signage

There are few people who have not yet heard of digital signage. This digital out of home advertising (Dooh) is an incredibly fast growing method of raising brand awareness and is springing up all over the place. From shopping malls and retail parks to outdoor digital signage along roadsides and the high street; display screens […]