Growing Use of Digital Signage around Religious Buildings
There has been a growing use of digital signage displays both indoors and out around churches, mosques, synagogues and temples, as many religious buildings and institutions look for effective communication to their congregations and local communities.
Sophistication of an LCD Enclosure for Outdoor TV Protection
Protecting screens for use in outdoor environments is not as simple as many people think. While protection from the weather using an LCD enclosure ultimately means keeping the screen dry and out of the elements, various different challenges mean that any LCD enclosure based TV system designed for outdoor use requires a high degree of sophistication.
Benefits of Outdoor Screens for Public Buildings
Public buildings such as schools, colleges, libraries, museums and religious institutions have a need to communicate with the people that they serve. Often, this means using all sorts of traditional messaging systems from the trusty old noticeboard to sending out literature such as parish magazines.
Importance of Temperature Control for Outdoor Digital Signage
Outdoor digital signage is increasing in popularity. More and more digital screens are placed along high streets, storefronts and roadsides every day, with outdoor digital signage one of the fastest growing advertising mediums around. And it’s not only advertisers that are using digital signage in outdoor environments; information screens outside schools, libraries and transport hubs […]
Planning Outdoor Digital Signage
Outdoor digital signage has many uses and advantages. For advertising an outdoor screen will receive far more views than a comparable indoor display, while for providing information, an outdoor screen can reach customers and service users before they enter a building, providing crucial information. Businesses, public buildings and educational facilities are increasingly turning to outdoor […]
Digital Signage and the Problems of Downtime
Downtime is perhaps the biggest problem for digital signage. A dead screen is not only unsightly, but also costing money for as long as it isn’t working. All that investment in hardware, content, networking and installation is failing to get any return while the screen is down. For advertising screens, downtime also costs in lost […]
Information Screens and the Speed of Delivery
Delivering information is an essential aspect for many businesses and institutions. Keeping customers, workers and visitors informed requires dynamic communication systems that can relay information as soon as it comes in. Providing out-of-date information is often worse than providing no information at all, which is one of the reasons why information screens are becoming popular […]
The Rise of Corporate TV Channels
One thing that has arisen due to the internet and introduction of digital cameras, is the ability for nearly anyone to create a film or video. YouTube remains one of the most popular internet sites where thousands of videos are uploaded each day, and increasingly, YouTube has become a platform for companies and businesses. Most […]
Problems with the Sun
While most businesses that decide to use an outdoor screen, whether for outdoor digital signage, information or entertainment, realise the need to protect the screen from the elements, all too often, one aspect of outdoor screen use gets forgotten—the sun. The sun can cause several problems with an outdoor screen, which lead to viewing problems. […]
Screach App – Interactivity on any Outdoor Screen
With such rapid growth in the use of outdoor screens, getting your message across is no longer easy. Because of the digital competition, an outdoor screen can easily get lost in the crowd, but one way of ensuring people pay attention to your display, is to make sure it’s interactive. Various methods of interactivity are […]