Digital signage is everywhere. There are few locations where TV screens are not being implemented for the purposes of advertising and information and their growth is increasing.
TV screens are no longer only to be found in living rooms and TV parlours. Shopping malls, doctor’s surgeries, pharmacies, waiting rooms, colleges, schools, prisons and even gas stations are now locations where TVs are being used for digital signage.
Many of these locations are public areas and often the digital signage is left unmanned. In most cases this is not an issue but in outdoor locations, industrial areas or in other vulnerable spots, there needs to be some consideration into protecting the display from impacts, theft and vandalism.
Digital signage systems are after-all just TVs and while the cost of flat-screen LCD and plasma screens has plummeted in recent years, theft, vandalism and accidental damage will still be costly and will decrease the likelihood of getting a return on your investment.
And now, as one of the fastest growing sectors in this new industry is the implementation of outdoor digital signage, protection is even more crucial.
TV screens are commonly left unattended outside pubs, bars, restaurants, religious buildings and retail units. Ensuring these devices are not tampered with, stolen or at risk of being damaged accidentally; is the role of the LCD enclosure.
These solid steel enclosures house the standard TV systems like LCD or plasma screens and also have room for any media player, small PC or other device.
Not only do these protective LCD enclosures provide a solid steel case to defend against any impacts they are also usually fitted with shatterproof screens and tamperproof locks.
Not only are these outdoor LCD enclosures suitable for protecting any digital outdoor signage, they are also commonly used in industrial and manufacturing areas.
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