The Future of the Digital Signage Revolution is Outdoors

Digital Signage is becoming a common expression but it is really just a fancy expression to describe the use of TV systems like LCDs or plasma used for advertising, information and other messages. This new, digital out of home advertising – as it is often called (DooH), is a more dynamic method of signage and […]

Waterproof Outdoor LCD TVs for a Fraction of the Price

There has been a huge trend in recent years for digital outdoor entertainment. Whether it is because of global warming, smoking bans or just a cultural shift, many bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants are now installing outdoor TV systems. Often outdoor speaker systems are used and connected to a waterproof LCD TV to create a […]

Types of Outdoor Digital Signage Systems

Digital signage is a fantastic way of creating more awareness of products, brands and businesses. Many companies are turning o this new medium as a method of marketing. The advantage of this digital advertising is that once the outlay for the signage system and content are paid for, the system will market a business for […]

LCD Enclosures and Outdoor Digital Signage Systems

Outdoor digital signage, the use of LCDs and plasma TV’s outside for purposes of advertising and information, is a growing industry. More and more businesses are realising the potential that digital signage can offer, particularly in outdoor locations where there is a potentially huge audience. High streets, frontages, concourses and the sides of buildings are […]

Protecting Digital Signage – Protecting your Investment

Digital signage is often touted as ‘the next big thing.’ More and more companies are turning to the use of LCD and plasma screens to promote, inform, entertain or advertise their products. Despite the falling cost of modern flat screen TV’s such as LCD, a digital signage campaign can still be a sizeable investment, especially […]