Step-by-Step – Erecting a Screen Outdoors

There are numerous reasons for using a modern flat screen TV outside, whether it’s for outdoor entertainment, watching the TV in the backyard; outdoor information screens, providing real-time information and content; or outdoor digital signage, providing a modern approach to outdoor advertising. Placing a screen outdoors does come with some challenges, however, particularly with protecting […]

Touchscreen and Outdoor Digital Signage – Using Interactive Screens

Since LCD screens and plasma TVs have taken over the home television market, their use hasn’t been just confined to homes. Modern flatscreen TVs are now just as likely to be used out of the home as part of a digital signage or advertising campaign. Digital signage displays are now regularly seen in shopping malls […]

Weatherproof LCD Screens – Any Make, Any Model Waterproofed

With a veritable explosion of LCD and plasma screens over the last decade there is now an almost unlimited choice of make, size and models. From small compact 10” screens for bedrooms to giant 70” displays used in out of the home as digital signage. And modern flat screen devices are not just used indoors, […]

Weatherproof TV – Budget Solutions

There was a time where the only place you would have found a TV set was in the front room of people’s homes.  As TV’s became cheaper – especially with the introduction of the portable – and smaller they then moved into bedrooms and kitchens. Now, with the development of the flat screen television, with […]

Ideal Places for Outdoor Digital Signage

Digital signage is now no longer an infant innovation. Screens in indoor locations such as shopping malls, concourses and inside retail stores, are now a common sight with more locations such as petrol stations and pharmacies implementing the technology all the time. There seems there is no location where digital signage hasn’t been installed including […]

Protect Outdoor Screens – Simply and Cheaply

Taking a screen outdoors is now becoming common. Whether it’s a homeowner, wanting to watch the ballgame in the backyard; an advertising company, wanting to advertise with outdoor digital signage; or you need to provide information, such as news, weather or timetabling, using an outdoor screen is an obvious solution. Outdoor TVs are manufactured to […]

Robust Digital Signage for Indoor and Out

Using a digital screen for advertising, promotion or providing information is becoming increasingly common, thanks in part to the falling cost of LCD and plasma type screens. The flat-screen TVs are also becoming more durable with commercial grade screens able to be left on 24 hours-a-day and have lifetimes far longer than consumer TVs. This […]

An Outdoor TV – A Cost Effective and Simple Solution

While the internet and mobile technology has changed the way we live our lives, television is still the most common and popular media. Few people can claim to not own a TV, even fewer can claim to never watch it and many homes have multiple sets around the house. Kitchen’s bedrooms, living rooms and even […]

Plasma, LED, or LCD for Outdoor – Advantages and Disadvantages

Outdoor digital signage is growing industry with over ten percent of all outdoor advertisements now a digital screen of some shape or another. The screens used for digital advertising are, in essence, the same sort of devices that we use in our homes, although commonly they are of a more durable commercial variety. There essentially […]

Waterproof Computer Products

Computers are now a ubiquitous tool. No longer just found in offices, bedrooms and studies, they are used in all sorts of locations; from factories to warehouses, hospitals to abattoirs, and schools to clean rooms. Obviously, not all these locations are as clean, warm and dry as your average office – and many industrial locations […]