Effective Exterior Advertising with Outdoor Digital Signage

Digital signage is still a new medium but it has become incredibly popular in recent years and is now a multi-billion dollar industry. One of the most popular uptake sectors for this new dynamic out of home advertising has been the retail sector. Stores, pharmacies, department stores and shopping malls have all become veritable galleries […]

Impact, theft and Vandalism Protection for Digital Signage

Digital signage is everywhere. There are few locations where TV screens are not being implemented for the purposes of advertising and information and their growth is increasing. TV screens are no longer only to be found in living rooms and TV parlours. Shopping malls, doctor’s surgeries, pharmacies, waiting rooms, colleges, schools, prisons and even gas […]

Industries that can Benefit from Outdoor Digital Signage

Outdoor digital signage is one of the fastest growing sectors in the digital advertising market. One of the reasons for this is the potential audience that an outdoor system can attract compared to any indoor signage. No matter how many people set foot in your premises each day, more people will walk past so the […]

Starting a Digital Signage Campaign – ROI Tips

Using TV systems for digital advertising has become an incredibly popular method of advertising and marketing with digital signs being erected up and down the high street. However, digital signage is not without its pitfalls and getting a return on any initial investment on a digital advertising campaign can be a challenge, especially if this […]

Types of Protection for Digital Signage

Digital signage is the use of TV systems for out of home advertising. More-often-than not standard commercial televisions are used as many digital signage campaigns are run in indoor locations such as retail units or stores. However, as more and more people begin to take advantage of this relatively low cost method of advertising, more […]

Ideal Locations for Outdoor Digital Signage

Perhaps the most important aspect of any potential digital signage campaign is working out where the signs are going to be placed. All too often digital signage displays are manufactured and content is created yet there has been little discussion to where the signs are to be placed. However, when it comes to digital signage […]

Industrial and Outdoor Protection for Digital Displays

Since the introduction of flatscreen display technology there has been a huge boom in the use of these LCD and plasma displays outside the home for advertising and information reasons. The reasons for this boom in out of home advertising and digital signage can be put down to several factors but some of the main […]

Why the Need for an LCD Enclosure

LCD enclosures are protective cabinets for LCD TVs and plasma screens that house standard devices and ensure they are operating in the optimum working conditions. But why the need to protect LCDs after-all most TV screens operate perfectly well without an LCD enclosure? However, not every LCD TV is situated in a warm cosy environment […]

Using NTP to Synchronise your Digital Signage System

Digital signage is advancing quite rapidly for such a burgeoning new industry. Fantastic new innovations and content styles are being developed all the time and there are some really fantastic campaigns out there and more and more adventurous implementations are springing up all the time. One of a growing number of trends is the use […]

Waterproof Outdoor LCD TVs for a Fraction of the Price

There has been a huge trend in recent years for digital outdoor entertainment. Whether it is because of global warming, smoking bans or just a cultural shift, many bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants are now installing outdoor TV systems. Often outdoor speaker systems are used and connected to a waterproof LCD TV to create a […]