Digital Signage to Play a Part in the UKs General Election

With a general election announced for the UK, voters have been inundated with campaign messages from all the main parties. From part political broadcasts on TV to giant roadside billboards, the UK electorate is used to receiving political messages from the great and the good. However, the forthcoming general election is the first time in […]

Four Key Aspects for Planning a Digital Signage Campaign

Amongst retailers and advertisers, digital signage has become a buzzword for a cost effective and practical method of promotion, advertising and raising brand awareness. However, digital signage is not simple or straight forward and there are many pitfalls to consider before embarking on any campaign, however, below are four aspects that should be thoroughly considered […]

LCD Screens for Outdoor Use – Does Brightness Matter?

Digital signage is a fast growing technology with more and more screens being used for digital advertising and out of home media than ever before. One of the fastest growing aspects of this new medium is the use of outdoor digital signage – using screens outside to increase awareness, advertise or pass on information. Because […]

Importance of the Flexibility and Scalability of Digital Signage

Digital signage is a relatively new innovation. Using flat screen TVs for out of home advertising has, despite its massive growth only been around for the last decade and day by day the industry is changing. In planning any digital signage campaign it is important to remember to ensure the system you install is both […]

Protecting Outdoor TVs from Attack

Over the last few years, more and more bars, restaurants and pubs are using outdoor TVs to entertain patrons. Prompted by smoking bans and the increase in flat screen technology (combined with the fall in price of modern screens) outdoor TVs are now a popular feature of many pub gardens. And it’s not just pubs […]

Digital Signage and the Law – Importance of responsible installations

It is quite common on many empty city walls and properties to see the words: ‘Bill posters will be prosecuted.’ Irresponsible outdoor advertising has been responsible for legislation preventing the unauthorised use of outdoor advertisements as well as blackening the name of those responsible street advertisers. A similar problem is now arising with the arrival […]

Digital Signage and Hotels

Hotels are a great place for digital signage. Signage screens can be used to provide all sorts of information to customers and patrons, and as hotels are a hotbed of activity catering for everything from weddings to conferences, the opportunities for digital signage doesn’t stop there. There are a great many ways of using digital […]

Outdoor Advertising Tips – Going Digital

Outdoor advertising has always been a cost effective and successful method of raising brand awareness. Fly posters, bill boards and hoardings on high streets and bus stops are a great way of displaying a message to a broad base of people that will be passing by each day. However, advertising is not as effective as […]

Keeping Your Digital Signage Protected

Protection for digital signage and advertising systems is often overlooked by keeping the screens protected and running in conditions that are suited for an LCD screen, is important to ensure you maximise the cost of implementing them in the first place. Implementers of outdoor digital signage often look to securing their digital signage systems from […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – The Future of Billboards and Posters

Outdoor advertising has always been an essential part of marketing and outdoor advertisements create colour and are part of our everyday world outside. Without outdoor advertisements the streets and boulevards around our neighbourhoods would look quite different and some locations such as New York’s Time Square or London’s Piccadilly Circus would be unrecognizable. From bill […]