Digital Signage Shown off in Europe

<!– @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } –> This week saw the Digital Signage Expo 2010 take place in Essen from the 15th – 17th June. Armagard were there to demonstrate their LCD enclsoures and outdoor digital signage solutions along with digital signage providers from all over Europe. All were there […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – It can be made easy!

Outdoor digital signage can be real benefit for almost any business. For retail it provides an advertising platform that reaches and audience no other media can match for the price. Whilst as a method of raising awareness, generating brand interest or just providing information – there is no better method than outdoor digital signage. But […]

Touch Screens and Digital Signage – the Way Forward for Retail?

Digital signage and advertising has been part and parcel of the retailers marketing tools for some time now. Displaying images on LCD screens allows retailers to communicate to prospective customers outside the shop for relatively low cost compared to print, TV or radio advertising. With outdoor digital signage this range increases too. But as digital […]

When Outdoor Digital Signage Goes Wrong

Perhaps the fastest growing sector in the digital out of home market is in the growth of outdoor digital signage screens. A few years behind the indoor market, outdoor digital signage is now catching up fast. More and more installs are being erected along roadsides, high streets and outside shop frontages. But it is not […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Big is Beautiful

Getting noticed is one of the biggest challenges of any type of outdoor advertising. Every day we are exposed to thousands of advertising messages, whether they be on TV, radio, in the newspaper, or on outdoor billboards and posters. And outdoor digital signage is just the latest in a long line of outdoor advertising methods. […]

Outdoor Digital Signage & Simplicity – Take it easy on yourself

Outdoor digital signage can be a veritable minefield of pitfalls, challenges and unforeseen events that can make even the best thought out plans fall to pieces, especially if you are trying to establish a return on investment. And that is the crux of any digital advertising campaign, indoors or out. If your signage campaign is […]

Looking for an Outdoor TV Reasons to Consider an LCD Enclosure

The outdoor TVs market is a burgeoning one. What was once a singularly exclusive and highly expensive products manufactured by only a couple of companies. However, with the growth of outdoor digital signage and the increase in outdoor TV viewing (partly brought about by nationwide smoking bans) more and more outdoor LCD TVs are emerging […]

Raising your Profile – What Digital Signage can do for you

Image has never been as important as it is today. Consumers are no longer swayed by just cheap deals and special offers, looks can mean everything, especially in some retail sectors. So when it comes to advertising, setting the right impression is vital. An advert may be the first time some people are introduced to […]

High Definition and Digital Signage

There has been a lot of debate amongst AV manufacturers and suppliers in recent times about the future of High Definition TV devices for use in digital advertinsg and outdoor digital signage. There are some that argue it is as important to implement this new technology otherwise digital out of home media will be left […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – How to use screens outdoors

While outdoor digital signage is still lagging behind indoor systems, the sector is catching up fast. More and more LCD screens are finding their way outside in the open air, but why? Outdoor digital signage can attract a larger audience compared to any outdoor screen. This is easy to envisage of you have a signage […]