Complexities of Outdoor Digital Signage

When using LCD, plasma or even LED screens in outdoor locations there is an obvious need to protect the electronics from getting damaged by the weather, temperatures and other hazards but protecting outdoor digital signage is not as simple as you might think. Waterproofing is perhaps the first step of outdoor protection for an LCD […]

Using Displays in Outdoor and Harsh Environments

The humble monitor, computer display and television have gone through dramatic changes over the last decade or so. The traditional cathode ray tube (CRT) has all but been replaced by the flat panel device – such as the plasma or LCD screen. These modern displays are more versatile in their use and are no longer […]

Digital Signage Flexibility – Day Parting

One of the great advantages of digital signage is its flexibility. Unlike nearly any other commercial advertising method, with digital out of home, outdoor digital signage and other forms of display advertising, content can be scheduled and tailored to meet specific demographics. This scheduling ability has come from the world of television where it is […]

Outdoor Screens on the Slopes

Outdoor digital signage is becoming a popular from of advertising, marketing and branding. Many industries are implementing some sort of digital outdoor campaign but there is one area that has come as quite a surprise to outdoor AV and digital signage companies – the ski slopes. There are large number of enquiries to outdoor digital […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – more effective than TV

A recent study has highlighted the effectiveness of outdoor advertising at developing brand awareness and driving more customers to search for brands online. The research, conducted by the British Outdoor Advertising Association (OAA); research company, Millward Brown; and brand company, Mindshare, analysed advertising over five years. The study looked at 326 brands from 25 different […]

When the Rains Come – Protecting Outdoor Screens in Inclement Weather

Outdoor digital signage has a multitude of uses: advertising, promotion, marketing, brand building and providing information, making it an extremely flexible, versatile, and reactive medium. There are plenty of challenges to implementing it though. The outdoor screen has to be sited in best location possible, preferably an area with the highest potential audience and that […]

LCD Enclosure – Rugged Display Use

Many of us will have a large flat screen TV in our homes. The growth of the flat panel display has allowed TVs to get bigger and yet be more manageable – weighing a fraction of the amount of the forerunner, the CRT (Cathode Ray Tube). But the increased practicality of the modern flat screen, […]

Simplifying Digital Signage

The digital out of home industry (Dooh) is quagmire of technical expressions, complicated business strategies and hardware challenges often involving multi-discipline teams of software engineers, networking specialists, AV engineers and advertisers. All this can make embarking in digital signage a complete headache and also invoke large set-up costs, the return on which may never be […]

Digital Signage News UK 10. 13.2010

Study: Effectiveness of Outdoor Advertising and Digital Signage Outdoor advertising and outdoor digital signage strengthens brands and drives online search, according to new research from the UK. Following on from their market share survey, the UKs Outdoor Advertising Association, in combination with global media networkers, Mindshare have conducted the ‘Brand Building -Power of Outdoor’ study […]

Avoiding Hidden Costs with Outdoor Digital Signage Installation

Outdoor digital signage is becoming an increasingly prevalent medium. Following on from the ubiquitous spread of indoor screens, the use of LCD outdoors, for advertising, promotion and branding as rocketed in recent years thanks to the falling cost of technology and the increase in the number of companies involved in the digital outdoor sector. There […]