LCD Enclosure – Cost Effective Outdoor Digital Signage in any Size

Armagard, specialists in industrial computer protection and outdoor digital signage, have a range of LCD enclosures from 17” to 70” which provide a cost effective solution for protecting LCD TVs in outdoor locations. By using an Armagard LCD enclosure, standard LCD and plasma TV equipment can be used in outdoor locations and in industrial and […]

The Future of Screens and Monitors

Computer screens and monitors have been going through somewhat of a revolution in the last few years. While the basic shape for the CRT monitor hadn’t changed for some years, these bulky monitor systems are now on the way out with the next generation of computer screens all being flat LCD or plasmas. And while […]

LCD TVs the Next Generation of Computer Monitor

Computer monitors have up to now been traditionally bulky and took up unnecessary space. Often they take up most of the room on a computer desk and they are not very flexible where they can be situated either. Fortunately, very few of us still use the bulky CRT monitor (Cathode Ray Tube) as they have […]

LCD Enclosures and Outdoor Digital Signage Systems

Outdoor digital signage, the use of LCDs and plasma TV’s outside for purposes of advertising and information, is a growing industry. More and more businesses are realising the potential that digital signage can offer, particularly in outdoor locations where there is a potentially huge audience. High streets, frontages, concourses and the sides of buildings are […]

Can I use Digital Signage in Industrial Areas?

Digital signage is more than just out of home advertising. There are an almost unlimited number of applications for using flat screen TVs such as LCD and plasmas. And even in industrial applications LCD TV’s can provide a useful and adaptable method of displaying information. LCD TV’s are used in industry for all manner of […]

LCD Enclosure – Cost Effective Alternative for Outdoor Digital Signage

There are few business now who don’t realise the potential of using LCD TV’s for digital signage applications; they are cheap, compact and can be used for al sorts of purposes from information displays to digital out of home advertising (DooH). What puts most people off using digital signage systems, particularly outdoors or in hazardous […]

Benefits of an LCD Monitor Enclosure

Using TV equipment for the purposes of out of home advertising is a relatively new idea. The slim line nature of LCD and plasma has enabled them to be used in places where their predecessor, the bulky cathode ray tube (CRT), could not.  Using this type of advertising for non broadcast purposes has been given […]

Protecting Digital Signage – Protecting your Investment

Digital signage is often touted as ‘the next big thing.’ More and more companies are turning to the use of LCD and plasma screens to promote, inform, entertain or advertise their products. Despite the falling cost of modern flat screen TV’s such as LCD, a digital signage campaign can still be a sizeable investment, especially […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – A Guide

Plasma and LCD televisions have revolutionised the home entertainment industry. TV’s are now flatter, cheaper and of better quality than they have ever been. This new flat screen technology has also been implemented for out of home advertising, with commercial companies taking advantage of the ability to erect the technology literally anywhere. Shopping malls, retail […]

LCD Enclosures and the Uses of Outdoor Digital Signage

LCD enclosures have helped in the expansion of DOOH (digital out of home) advertising outdoors with all-weather protection that has increased the number of applications that outdoor digital signage has been used for. Whilst still a new media, digital signage has traditionally been an indoor method of advertising and information, however, thanks to LCD enclosures […]