Protect Outdoor Screens – Simply and Cheaply

Taking a screen outdoors is now becoming common. Whether it’s a homeowner, wanting to watch the ballgame in the backyard; an advertising company, wanting to advertise with outdoor digital signage; or you need to provide information, such as news, weather or timetabling, using an outdoor screen is an obvious solution. Outdoor TVs are manufactured to […]

Outdoor Digital Signage to Continue Expansion Through 2011

2010 has been a busy year for the digital signage market with the industry growing far faster than other sectors with digital out of home growing by 16 percent last year – which is extraordinary when you consider the global financial problems of last year. And the industry is expected to expand further with analysts […]

Protecting Screens in Outdoor Locations

Outdoor screens are now a popular and common from of information and advertising. Far more practical than static signage, outdoor digital signage has many benefits: Attractive and eye-catching outdoor digital signage will be far more noticeable than static signage. Moving images and transitions draw the eye and make the content really stand out. Remote uploading […]

How Outdoor Digital Signage Could Improve Your Business

In such a competitive environment, nearly all businesses are looking for new methods to get ahead of the competition. This is one of the driving forces behind the digital out of home (Dooh) revolution of the last few years, where digital signage has begun to become as commonplace as other forms of out of home […]

Snow Survival – Outdoor Digital Signage

The UK is experiencing the harshest winter in decades with temperatures reaching as low as minus 20 centigrade (-4 Fahrenheit) in some parts of the country. And as record numbers of cars breakdown and home plumbing systems fail, it is a busy time for plumbers and mechanics alike. For those that use outdoor digital signage, […]

An Outdoor TV – A Cost Effective and Simple Solution

While the internet and mobile technology has changed the way we live our lives, television is still the most common and popular media. Few people can claim to not own a TV, even fewer can claim to never watch it and many homes have multiple sets around the house. Kitchen’s bedrooms, living rooms and even […]

Plasma, LED, or LCD for Outdoor – Advantages and Disadvantages

Outdoor digital signage is growing industry with over ten percent of all outdoor advertisements now a digital screen of some shape or another. The screens used for digital advertising are, in essence, the same sort of devices that we use in our homes, although commonly they are of a more durable commercial variety. There essentially […]

Digital Signage – Reasons to go Outdoor

Digital signage and advertising is now as common in shopping malls and concourses as two dimensional posters and signs. The reason: LCD screens are very cheap and the costs are falling all the time. And because digital signage content can be uploaded remotely, without the need for somebody to visit the advertising site, they eventually […]

Waterproof Computer Products

Computers are now a ubiquitous tool. No longer just found in offices, bedrooms and studies, they are used in all sorts of locations; from factories to warehouses, hospitals to abattoirs, and schools to clean rooms. Obviously, not all these locations are as clean, warm and dry as your average office – and many industrial locations […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – totting up the costs

Return on investment is a key aspect of deciding whether an outdoor digital signage campaign is worthwhile going ahead with. And while it can be difficult to evaluate the return you are getting, requiring time for the campaign to be assessed. One aspect of the investment, however, can be ascertained accurately: the set-up costs. It […]