LCD Enclosures for Digital Outdoor Signage

Digital advertising now seems to be everywhere. You may have noticed the information booths on your high street and in your local supermarket; the digital screens on buses and trains; or the point of sale adverts at checkouts. Digital signage is now the fastest advertising media, with sales of LCD screens for digital signage purposes […]

Challenges in Food Manufacturing – Computerisation

Food processing is one of the most challenging sectors in manufacturing. Governed by endless laws and guidelines the difficulties in food preparation plants do not end there. Hygiene understandably plays a large part in food manufacturing with the need to keep surfaces, floors, walls and equipment spotlessly clean. For this reason nearly all equipment has […]

Industrial Computer Enclosure – A Buyers’ Guide (part 2)

Here are the numeric IP rating levels of protection for each digit: 1st Digit – Description of Protection Level: 0 Not protected 1 Protected against solid foreign objects of 50 mm diameter and greater 2 Protected against solid foreign objects of 12,5 mm diameter and greater 3 Protected against solid foreign objects of 2,5 mm […]

Computer Protection for Hostile Areas

Computers are not designed to last very long. Computer manufacturers design their machines knowing full well that within a year or two the machine will be out-of-date and probably replaced anyway. For this reason computers are assembled with cheap components and very few last beyond two to three years. However, for some processes, where performance […]

Nema 4 – FAQ

Who or what is NEMA? NEMA is the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (USA) and they provide a designation for enclosures, including computer enclosures as guidance to the level of protection they offer. NEMA is the United States equivalent of the International organisation IEC (International Electrotechnical Committee). The IEC issue IP ratings (Ingress Protection) that are […]

NEMA Codes Explained

When selecting an enclosure whether it is for an industrial computer or other type of electrical advice it is important to understand what protection it offers here is a list of the American NEMA codes that signify the protection the enclosures offer. Here are some of the most common NEMA codes used in the industrial […]

The Most Commonly Used IP codes

Here are some of the most commonly used IP codes in the industrial computer enclosure industry. The IP codes signify how much protection the enclosures offer against the penetration of foreign bodies and permeation of water. The two digits signify the protection against solid objects (the first digit) and liquids (the second digit. The greater […]

Industrial Computers and IP Ratings

It is commonplace in the industrial computer industry to keep coming across the term ‘IP rating,’ this article will examine the IP rating system, explaining what it means and where it is used. IP stands for ‘ingress protection’ and is usually assigned to enclosures and in industrial computers this is the enclosure that houses the […]

Computer Filth

A recent study has discovered that computer keyboards house more germs than toilet seats even harbouring potentially lethal bacteria such MRSA. Experts say there are over 3,000 microbes per square inch on the average keyboards compared to just 49 microbes on a toilet seat! With the increasing use of computers in the health professions they […]

Industrial Computers – Working with Industrial Computer Enclosures

Computing in industry can be a difficult concept for many network administrators. Often industrial areas contain many elements that prohibit the use of a conventional PC: dust, dirt, water, extreme temperatures and risk of heavy impact. The most obvious solution if a piece of IT is required in an industrial area is to buy an […]