Computer protection against theft

LONDON (Reuters) June 2008  ‘A computer containing “restricted” information was stolen from the office of a cabinet minister in a break in. “There was a break-in at the constituency office of Hazel Blears on the afternoon of Saturday, June 14. Hazel was not there at the time,” a government statement said. It continued: “The thief […]

Body Armour Protects Avon and Somerset PC from Angry Attack

Whilst police constables in most forces are now equipped with body armour, Avon and Somerset Police are using it to protect another type of PC – their computers. The force has installed Armagard’s Penc 300 compact computer enclosure in custody suites to protect their valuable new computer equipment and it has already withstood an attack. […]

Industrial Computer: Coping With Water

Computers are now as essential a part of production lines as they are in office environments. A computer running a production line will save money, increase efficiency and reduce waste. Unfortunately many production lines are unsuited for the delicate electronics of a computer. Not only can production lines be dirty and full of dust many […]

Industrial Computer Enclosures: Types

Industrial Computer Enclosures come in all shapes and sizes, protecting all types of hardware. here is a selection of the types of enclosure:

Protection for PC’s an Alternative to Industrial Computers

Computers are now to be found every where from our offices and homes to inside our cars and even washing machines.  Computers are now being tasked to do jobs in all sorts of industry from finance to heavy production plants. However, not all environments are suited to a computer. Computers are electronic instruments and like […]

Computers and Hygiene

It may surprise many people to learn that computer workstations harbour far more bacteria and germs than the average toilet seat. It has been said that many of the minor illnesses that keep people off work are actually caused by workstations and the office environments. Many offices can be described as sick, in that they […]

Industrial Computer Enclosure – ATEX Protection in Explosive Atmospheres

ATEX is the name commonly given to the European directives for controlling explosive atmospheres and the standards of equipment and protective systems used in them.  ATEX is now  law in all European Union countries with companies that have potentially explosive atmospheres legally obliges to ensure all equipment in ATEX zones complies with the directive. Explosive […]

Alternatives to an Industrial Computer

Computers are as essential a tool for manufacturing and industry as they are for the office environment. However, the requirements for an industrial computer far out-strip those of a conventional desktop PC. An industrial computer needs to be able to withstand such hazards as dust, dirt, grime and water, whilst still being rugged enough to […]

The Industrial Computer Cabinet

Computers are used in all sorts of applications these days. While we are familiar with their presence in offices and our homes, computers are behind all sorts of processes particularly many heavy industrial applications. Unfortunately the industrial environment is not best suited to the needs of an average PC. Dust, dirt, water, grease, oil and […]

Industrial Computer Cabinets – Protecting PC’s in Industry.

Much of manufacturing and industry is as dependent on computers as the modern office environment.  Many processes that would have been manually controlled are now fully automated and as a result manufacturing is more efficient thanks to the computer. There are problems with using computers in industry however. Many industrial environments contain hazards that are […]