The Best Locations for Digital Signage

With such an excitable atmosphere around the digital signage and out of home advertising industry it is forgivable for people to assume that using LCD TVs for the purposes of digital advertising is an easy method of generating business. However, implementing digital signage is not straight forward and the process is riddled with pitfalls. However, […]

LCD Enclosures – the perfect environment for an LCD TV

TV screens are now being used for far more purposes than just home entertainment. Digital signage is a fast growing industry where LCD and plasma screens are being used for the displaying of advertising and branding messages. However, modern LCD screens (and plasmas) simply can’t be taken into these sorts of areas without some consideration […]

Getting the Best Return on Investment out of Outdoor Digital Signage

Getting a return on investment is vital when embarking on any marketing campaign but with such a potentially high outlay involved with the initial implementation of digital signage, establishing a ROI is vital. Nobody wants to spend money unnecessarily; however, it can be a common occurrence when planning a digital advertising campaign making any return […]

Digital Signage on the Move

Digital signage is a modern buzzword for the use of electronic screens as an advertising medium. LCD, plasma and LED are all being used as modern digital billboards and there are few places where this new medium is not being implemented. However, digital signage hass been around for a few years now and while its […]

The Growing Number of Applications for Digital Signage

Digital out of home media (Dooh) is often described as the next big revolution in advertising. However, there is more to the implementation of digital screens than just branding and selling something. Digital signage can be used for a whole host of applications and the number of uses for this new technology is increasing all […]

32” LCD Enclosures for Cost Effective Outdoor Digital Signage

Outdoor digital signage has become a real boon for many businesses. Raising brand awareness, generating custom and driving customers through the doors are just some of the reasons people choose to invest in outdoor digital signage. However, installing LCD displays (or LED and plasma) in an outdoor location is not without its problems and costs. […]

Anti Vandalism Solutions for Outdoor Digital Signage

Digital signage and out of home advertising is making the high street a far more attractive and useful place. Maps are being replaced with interactive wayfinding, restaurant menu boards are now being displayed on LCD screens and even bus shelters have TV screens displaying advertising and entertainment. However, whilst this digital out of home media […]

Places to Find Outdoor Digital Signage

Digital signage has been taken up by many industries, companies and institutes. LCD devices used for digital out of home advertising (DooH) are now in a huge variety of places from doctor’s surgeries to shop floors. In fact, we are now becoming so used to having TV screens all around us that the initial uniqueness […]

The Digital Billboard – How TVs are Replacing Fly Posters

Street advertising has long been part of the aesthetics of our high streets. From bus shelters, walls to lampposts, blank spaces are constantly utilised by advertisers and promoters. And why not? After-all, following the initial outlay of printing and posting, once they are up, a billposter, bill board or other hoarding will be seen by […]

The Pitfalls of Implementing Outdoor Digital Signage

Just as digital signage has revolutionised advertising in indoor locations; replacing traditional communication methods in all sorts of locations – outdoor digital signage is set to do the same ouside. Whilst trailing behind regular out of home advertising, outdoor digital signage is still the fastest growing aspect of this new media revolution. However, as with […]