Retail Advertising – Reasons to go Digital

Digital signage is continuing to grow as a industry sector. One of the largest users of digital screens for advertising, including outdoor digital signage, is the retail sector. The advantages and uses of using digital screens for advertising and promotion are manifold and while in some industries there can be difficulties in establishing the return […]

Digital Signage – The Price of Outdoor Screens

The digital revolution has finally reached the high street with outdoor LCD screens now a popular feature in many retail parks, high streets and even along road sides. With such large potential audience numbers, it is no wonder many digital signage and advertisers are looking to outdoor digital signage as the next step. The one […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Avoiding the High Costs

There are many advantages to using outdoor screens for digital signage: The audience figures are higher than an indoor campaign There is less digital signage competition It is noticeable to commuters, bus passengers and car drivers But there are disadvantages too, mainly in the cost of installing a screen outdoors and ensuring it will operate […]

Outdoor Screens in Remote Areas

Digital out of home media has come a long way over the last decade. From retail stores and shopping malls to the outdoor digital signage that is being used along roadsides and along high streets – it seems TV screens are now everywhere. And this technology is not just being used for the purposes of […]

Uses of Outdoor TV Screens – Finding People

Modern flat screen TVs are now becoming just as common a technology outside the home as they are in. From retail stores to shopping malls, digital LCD screens are a common sight, used for promotion, advertising and brand awareness. And outdoor locations are becoming increasingly common too with outdoor digital signage now a common sight […]

LCD Enclosures – when TVs need to be protected

While nearly everybody reading this ill have a TV at home, and most probably a modern flat screen like an LCD; the home is no longer the only location a television is found. Modern TVs like the LCD are used in all sorts of locations for a wide variety of tasks: Outdoor TVs Increasingly, becoming […]

Digital Signage and Security – protecting your investment

While there are many advantages to digital signage and using screens in out of home environments there are several disadvantages, namely the initial investment for the hardware, and the length of time it may take to get a return on your investment (ROI) There is much that can be done to maximise the ROI and […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Why?

Digital out of home advertising (Dooh) is the latest in the advertiser’s tool kit. Digital posters and signage screens are now commonplace in many locations from shopping malls, stores to gas stations and onboard buses. Outdoor digital signage is also beginning to take hold with LCD displays replacing the conventional posters and billboards along the […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – The Future is Here

Advertisers have always been on top of the latest technological developments and innovations. As soon as a new technology arrives, advertisers are quick to get involved and use it for commercial purposes. The internet is a good example, with internet advertising now commonplace but one area where advertisers have really got involved in a big […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Everybody is doing it

Outdoor displays are now becoming commonplace. There is a wide range of industries and applications where displays like LCDs are being deployed in outdoor locations. From outdoor digital signage to promote businesses and brands, to information screens providing timetables at bus stations – much of the advertising and information we receive on the street is […]