Information Screens and the Speed of Delivery

Delivering information is an essential aspect for many businesses and institutions. Keeping customers, workers and visitors informed requires dynamic communication systems that can relay information as soon as it comes in. Providing out-of-date information is often worse than providing no information at all, which is one of the reasons why information screens are becoming popular […]

The Rise of Corporate TV Channels

One thing that has arisen due to the internet and introduction of digital cameras, is the ability for nearly anyone to create a film or video. YouTube remains one of the most popular internet sites where thousands of videos are uploaded each day, and increasingly, YouTube has become a platform for companies and businesses. Most […]

Problems with the Sun

While most businesses that decide to use an outdoor screen, whether for outdoor digital signage, information or entertainment, realise the need to protect the screen from the elements, all too often, one aspect of outdoor screen use gets forgotten—the sun. The sun can cause several problems with an outdoor screen, which lead to viewing problems. […]

Screach App – Interactivity on any Outdoor Screen

With such rapid growth in the use of outdoor screens, getting your message across is no longer easy. Because of the digital competition, an outdoor screen can easily get lost in the crowd, but one way of ensuring people pay attention to your display, is to make sure it’s interactive. Various methods of interactivity are […]

Eco Friendly Digital Signage

More and more firms are looking to becoming more environmentally aware. With climate change and CO2 emissions a factor in many industrial and business decisions, providing an eco friendly platform for communications is becoming increasingly important to many businesses. Digital signage does have some eco-friendly benefits. Compared to static signage, which has to be printed, […]

Outdoor Screens and the Impression of Modernity

We are living in a technically advanced world. Computers, mobile phones and other technology have infiltrated nearly all aspects of our daily lives and technology shows no sign of abating. And it’s not only the younger generation that use Twitter, social networking, iPads and other modern phenomenon, the technology is now ubiquitous in almost all […]

There is More to just Waterproofing for Outdoor Digital Signage Protection

There has been an increase in the amount of outdoor waterproof TVs that are being manufactured in recent years. Driven by the rise of outdoor digital signage, perhaps the fastest growing sector in the out of home advertising industry, these outdoor screens are becoming the display of choice for those embarking on outdoor digital signage […]

Digital Signage in Libraries, Museums and Galleries

Signage in public spaces such as libraries, museums and galleries, plays an integral role in communication and improving the experience of customers. Finding your way around a museum, or learning about upcoming events at a gallery is an essential aspect of the whole experience and increasingly, more and more of these public buildings are implementing […]

How Long Does an Outdoor Screen Last?

A PYE television, one of the first commercial televisions ever produced, is still operating after 65 years. TV collector Steve Farley, is still using the television, which has, in its lifetime, shown events such as Queen Elizabeth’s coronation, the moon landings and the assassination of JFK. Cathode Ray Tube televisions (CRTs) like this, while bulky […]

Outdoor Screens – Choosing Landscape or Portrait

When using outdoor screens for outdoor digital signage or information, once choice that requires some thought is the orientation of the screen. When using television at home to watch regular programming or DVDs, the screen is in landscape mode, with most screens implementing widescreen to provide a 16:9 aspect ratio (16 units wide, 9 high)