Planning an Outdoor Digital Signage Campaign – Step by Step

Outdoor digital signage has many advantages over other digital advertising. Its greatest benefit is that it is visible, not only to a larger number of passers-by than indoor digital advertising but is also visible to passing cars, bikes, taxis and buses. But there are many pitfalls to installing an outdoor digital signage system so the […]

Will Your Outdoor Digital Signage Cope with a Summer Heatwave?

Summer in many parts of the northern hemisphere this year is becoming one of the hottest in the last few years. Temperatures are expected to rise even further as we head into July and August. And while this is good news for the tourist trade and retailers in general (people tend to spend more during […]

Ways to Get Noticed – Creating that Different Digital Signage Campaign

Digital advertising has been around for quite a few years now. It is now a ubiquitous medium found everywhere from outdoor digital signage on the high street to the digital poster in shopping malls, retail units and even doctor’s offices. It has become so common that one of the fundamental reasons for investing in digital […]

Screen Safe – Digital Signage, Privacy, the Law and Health and Safety

Advertising has always had its critics. Whether on TV, radio and even in the early days of print advertising, there have always been those that find advertising and invasion or privacy. And things are even worse in the modern world. Email spam an unsolicited junk mail is an annoyance to the best of times, whilst […]

Digital Signage – and the problems of Vandalism

Digital signage is a fast growing industry. However, its success, rooted in its ability to display messages to large audiences and being more attractive and engaging to passers-by is also one of the reasons why this new medium is developing some controversy. Not everyone is a fan of digital signage and it has even seen […]

Achieving Your Goals – Tips to Outdoor Digital Signage Success

When planning a digital signage campaign there is much to think about. There is the selection of the screen, the LCD enclosure, the content – not to mention choosing the possible locations the screen(s) are to be located. However, despite all the challenges and pitfalls associated with digital out of home (Dooh) there is one […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – The Glitz and Glamour of Vegas on any High street

Digital signage is a new medium. LCD screens, plasmas and other flat screen displays have only been used out of home for the last decade or so. But outdoor advertisers have always implemented technology and moving imagery and there are many famous locations where the advertisements have become famous: Piccadilly Circus in London, Times Square […]

Digital Signage Shown off in Europe

<!– @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } –> This week saw the Digital Signage Expo 2010 take place in Essen from the 15th – 17th June. Armagard were there to demonstrate their LCD enclsoures and outdoor digital signage solutions along with digital signage providers from all over Europe. All were there […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – It can be made easy!

Outdoor digital signage can be real benefit for almost any business. For retail it provides an advertising platform that reaches and audience no other media can match for the price. Whilst as a method of raising awareness, generating brand interest or just providing information – there is no better method than outdoor digital signage. But […]

Touch Screens and Digital Signage – the Way Forward for Retail?

Digital signage and advertising has been part and parcel of the retailers marketing tools for some time now. Displaying images on LCD screens allows retailers to communicate to prospective customers outside the shop for relatively low cost compared to print, TV or radio advertising. With outdoor digital signage this range increases too. But as digital […]