Outdoor Digital Signage – The Future is Here

Advertisers have always been on top of the latest technological developments and innovations. As soon as a new technology arrives, advertisers are quick to get involved and use it for commercial purposes. The internet is a good example, with internet advertising now commonplace but one area where advertisers have really got involved in a big […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Everybody is doing it

Outdoor displays are now becoming commonplace. There is a wide range of industries and applications where displays like LCDs are being deployed in outdoor locations. From outdoor digital signage to promote businesses and brands, to information screens providing timetables at bus stations – much of the advertising and information we receive on the street is […]

Digital Signage in Hostile Locations

With digital signage now widespread, it has become a common sight in shopping malls, concourses and airports. And this new media is seeping into outdoor locations too with outdoor digital signage along roadsides and the high street; replacing the traditional posters and billboards commonly associated with outdoor advertising. And the reason for this change to […]

How an Outdoor Screen will Benefit your Business

The use of LCD screens out of home has advanced rapidly over the last few years. From information screens in transport hubs to digital signage posters in shopping malls and retail stores – they seem to be everywhere. And more commonly screens are starting to appear outside either for outdoor digital signage or for information […]

Digital Signage – an Ad Revolution

Advertising is as old as commerce itself. Being able to promote brands, push new products or raise awareness of promotions, is a highly important aspect to any retail or service industry. And even none commercial sectors require to raise awareness for specific programmes at certain times (such as government information messages). New methods of advertising […]

Digital Signage – Protection Options for Outdoor Locations

Outdoor digital signage is a rapidly advancing sector of the industry. With so much competition in indoor locations it is no wonder more and more advertisers are taking screens outdoors in the hope of getting higher audiences and increased returns. While using digital screens in an indoor location has become somewhat of a fool-proof activity, […]

Low Cost Digital Signage Options

More and more businesses are getting into digital signage as a method of marketing and communication. And those businesses that are not already implementing out of home media like this – are considering it. One of the major factors that can often put people off getting involved in digital signage is the cost and a […]

Hotels – Reasons to Consider Digital Signage

Hoteliers are always looking for new ways to communicate with their customers, staff and visitors. The modern hotel is far more than just a place for bed and breakfast. A whole host of events and functions take place in the average hotel: weddings, conferences, meetings – not too mention nights out and meals in the […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Daylight

Traditionally for outdoor use, LEDs have been the most common display type. This has been because LEDs are brighter than LCD displays so in at night time the screens stand out more – but more importantly the added luminance can counter the effects of the sun during daylight hours. Daylight and sun glare are a […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – The Locations

Whilst a few steps behind the indoor digital advertising market, outdoor digital signage is rapidly catching up with more and more installers and advertisers realising the value of using AV screens in outdoor locations. Outdoor digital signage is a more challenging media to get involved with though and each location can throw up new challenges […]