LCD Enclosure – Rugged Display Use

Many of us will have a large flat screen TV in our homes. The growth of the flat panel display has allowed TVs to get bigger and yet be more manageable – weighing a fraction of the amount of the forerunner, the CRT (Cathode Ray Tube). But the increased practicality of the modern flat screen, […]

Four Reasons for using Digital Signage in Schools

One of areas where digital signage has found a unique use is in schools, colleges and universities. Always trying to ensure it is at the forefront of technology, educators have found digital signage to be an effective way of providing key information to students, staff members and visitors. The same message can be distributed to […]

Digital Signage News UK 10. 13.2010

Study: Effectiveness of Outdoor Advertising and Digital Signage Outdoor advertising and outdoor digital signage strengthens brands and drives online search, according to new research from the UK. Following on from their market share survey, the UKs Outdoor Advertising Association, in combination with global media networkers, Mindshare have conducted the ‘Brand Building -Power of Outdoor’ study […]

What Type of Enclosure – Protecting Outdoor Digital Signage

Outdoor advertising is a thriving industry, helped in part, by the rise of digital out of home (Dooh) that is now becoming almost as popular in outdoor locations as it is indoors. Outdoor digital signage is a thriving sector of the outdoor advertising industry, taking up nearly a fifth of all outdoor installations – and […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Saving Money with an LCD Enclosure

Using an outdoor screen for promotion, advertising or other marketing makes a lot of sense. As an advertising medium outdoor digital signage is extremely effective; stark, bold, versatile and flexible, modern outdoor digital advertising is far more engaging and noticeable than standard outdoor advertising. But the downside to outdoor digital signage is that there is […]

Outdoor TV Security – LCD Enclosure

More and more LCD TV screens are being taken to outdoor locations and used as outdoor digital signage, advertising, information screens or to provide outdoor TV entertainment. The growing use of such outdoor displays is due, in part, to the falling costs of LCD screens and the various options available for waterproofing and allowing exterior […]

Protecting Outdoor Screens during the Colder Months

The winter season brings with it many challenges. The dark nights and cold weather can affect all sorts of things and outdoor digital signage is no exception. The ice and snow can play havoc with an outdoor screen, often leading to permanent failures, so making sure you have adequate cold weather protection for an outdoor […]

Getting the Most from an Outdoor Digital Signage Display

Return on investment (ROI) is a common concern when embarking on digital signage. With higher overheads, outdoor digital signage is even more difficult to assess and ensure a return is made. So, maximising the most out of any outdoor screen is one method of ensuring that you are getting the maximum return on the initial […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – a beginner’s guide

Outdoor advertising is a growing industry. Year on year the sector continues to grow and part of this is down to the emergence of digital out of home (Dooh) displays used for outdoor advertising. While it is now an accepted an increasingly common form of outdoor advertising, outdoor digital signage is still quite a daunting […]

Finding a Good Location for Outdoor Digital Signage

There are many important fundamentals when embarking on an outdoor digital signage campaign: protecting the screen from the weather, coming up with relevant content and selecting the appropriate hardware. Before any of this, however, one important factor has to be ascertained before anything else can commence – the location. Outdoor digital signage is becoming an […]