Outdoor Digital Signage it is not just advertising – Other Uses of outdoor screens

While outdoor digital signage has emerged as large sector of the total outdoor advertising market, with LCD screens placed in all sorts of locations, from high streets to train stations; advertising is not the only use for outdoor screens. Information displays are common, especially around transport hubs and in city centres – used for things […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – totting up the costs

Return on investment is a key aspect of deciding whether an outdoor digital signage campaign is worthwhile going ahead with. And while it can be difficult to evaluate the return you are getting, requiring time for the campaign to be assessed. One aspect of the investment, however, can be ascertained accurately: the set-up costs. It […]

Dynamic Christmas Marketing with Outdoor Digital Signage

Christmas time is one of the busiest periods of the year for retailers, and a good festive period can make all the difference between a successful year and a less profitable one. This time of year, therefore, is also the busiest period for marketing as retailers and manufacturers spend a fortune at Christmas promoting and […]

Which Way Round – Orientation of Outdoor Digital Signage

The screens used for outdoor digital signage, housed in plasma/LCD enclosures, are pretty much the same devices used for home TV viewing. While they are commonly commercial grade, this just makes them slightly more proficient at being left on for 24 hour periods. While the devices may be the same, the way they are used […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Temperature How Low Can it Go?

With freezing temperatures gripping most of the UK a question many outdoor digital signage users should be asking themselves is how low can the temperature drop before the screen starts to fail? The answer to this question will vary from unit to unit depending on protection afforded to the outdoor screens and the operating window […]

Snowy Weather – is your Outdoor Digital Signage Protected?

With most of the UK suffering from wintry weather, snow bringing havoc to many parts of the country, there is a potential for many of the outdoor digital signs that adorn our high streets to fail as the temperatures drop below the safe operating level of the LCD or plasma screen. The severe cold can […]

Outdoor Digital Signage and the LCD Enclosure – perfect bedfellows

Outdoor digital signage now makes up over ten percent of all outdoor advertising. While not as ubiquitous as its indoor cousin, outdoor screens are never-the-less, appearing up and down the high street providing information, advertising and promotions. This digital outdoor signage market is expected to expand too, with outdoor advertising organisations predicting a continuous rise, […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – Common Questions

Outdoor digital signage is increasing in popularity.  More and more screens are being erected in outdoor locations to take advantage of the larger audience potential. The advantage for advertisers is obvious – more people view the advertisement, and for shops and stores the outdoor promotions can help bring people inside. Like indoor digital signage t […]

Outdoor Digital Signage – easier than you might think

As digital signage become more ubiquitous, with screens seemingly everywhere from petrol stations, shopping malls and convenience stores, digital advertisers are always looking for an opportunity to get ahead. Taking digital signage outside is one way that they can receive higher audiences for their content and there is also less competition in the world of […]

Digital Signage News UK 11.25.2010

Amscreen Continue to Thrive UK indoor Dooh advertising specialists, Amscreen have announced further deals that see the company go from strength to strength becoming one of the UK’s successful Dooh implementers. The company, run by Simon Sugar, the son of the BBC Apprentice star and former UK Business Tsar, Sir Lord Alan Sugar, has signed […]