Media Players and Thin Client PCs – Simple and Cost Effective Digital Signage Solutions

For screen installers, intent on sourcing and operating their own digital signage or information display, very often while they spend a lot of time and research looking into screens, and yet few spend enough time thinking about the media player hardware. And media players are a confusing buy with so many different models on the […]

Installing Screens in a Subway – Case Study New Delhi Metro

With the Commonwealth Games held in New Delhi last year, the Indian capital went through some dramatic infrastructure changes. One of the projects planned to coincide with the games was an extension the New Delhi Airport Metro Express system connecting the city’s airport. The Delhi Airport Metro Express, which runs from New Delhi to IGI […]

Home Improvement Ideas – Patio TV

With spring arriving it’s often a good time to begin those home improvement projects that can help make our homes a more enjoyable place to be. One are of the home that people often concentrate on at this time of year is the garden or back yard. And understandably, with so few warm days in […]

Uses of LCD Enclosures as TV Screen Protection

LCD enclosures are put simply, protective cabinets that house conventional TV screens and allow them to be used outdoors or in locations where the environment makes the normal use of TV screens prohibitive. Most shop-bought TV screens are designed for use in stable, warm and dry environments such as the home or office; however, there […]

Outdoor Advertising Auctioned for the Olympics

With the London Olympics just over a year away preparations are reaching a zenith, and not just in the building and preparations for the sports stadiums. The modern Olympics is a huge marketing opportunity for many companies with tens of thousands of visitors from across the globe expected to descend on London for the games […]

Outdoor Advertising – Going from Print to Digital

Outdoor advertising is one of the oldest forms of marketing. From the earliest days of printing, and before, advertising outdoors is a direct and effective form of promotion. Outdoor advertising is also fairly low cost when you compare it to other forms of mass-marketing. There are disadvantages of outdoor advertising though. While the footfall and […]

How Going Outdoors can Boost your Digital Signage Campaign

Digital signage, the latest in out of home advertising, has seen a dramatic explosion over the last decade. Screens, used for displaying promotional material, branding and advertisements, are now a familiar sight in all sorts of locations. Commonly seen around shopping malls, in retail stores, gas stations and convenience stores, not to mention around airport […]

Modernising your Business with Digital Signage

For many businesses, image is as important a factor as customer service, especially for retailers and other industries where customers regularly visit the location, and providing a good impression can make the difference between making a sale or not. Few people would buy clothes from a store where the items had been strewn over the […]

The Big Differences in using Digital Signage Indoors and Out

Digital signage is one of the most effective forms of out of home advertising providing both, value for money and a large audience reach, unparalleled by other forms of out of home advertising. Digital signage is commonly found in areas of high footfall such as airports and other transport hubs, shopping malls and retail parks, […]

Britain Continues to Embrace Digital Signage

Another piece of research, now, which points to the growth of digital signage in retail environments. The study, compiled by POPAI (Point of Purchase Advertising International) for LG electronics, shows that the number of retail shops using screens, has quadrupled over the last three years. Over 46,000 retail shops in the UK, from convenience stores […]