Outdoor TV Enclosure for Protecting LCDs Outside

Many different reasons exist as to why people wish to use a TV screen outdoors. Businesses are keen to promote their products with outdoor digital signage, service industries such as transport companies wish to keep patrons informed of timetabling and delays, whilst householders and bar and pub landlords, are deploying TVs outside for entertainment. Whatever […]

Budgeting for Digital Signage Screens

With such a rise in use, digital signage is the fastest and one of the most effective forms of out of home advertising, and has become a common sight in many locations from the shopping mall to the airport. The spread of digital advertising continues to grow as the cost of the technology falls and […]

Protect Outdoor Screens from Vandalism and Theft

Screens are now a common sight outdoors. The use of outdoor digital signage, information screens and outdoor TVs in pub beer gardens has grown dramatically since the development of outdoor LCD and plasma screens. These outdoor TVs are very similar to the ones we use at home only they are weatherproof and often have higher […]

Industrial Digital Signage

Digital signage is proving to be an incredibly popular form of advertising and messaging. Nearly everywhere you go these days there is a screen providing information of advertising content, from airports to shopping centres, and even the UK high streets are now filling up with outdoor digital signage. The advantages of using screens for relaying […]

Alternatives to Outdoor Digital Totems

The outdoor digital signage market is fast on the heels of indoor. Increasingly we are seeing digital outdoor signs being erected in city centres, towns and around airports and other transport hubs. There are many advantages of digital out of home (Dooh) in outdoor environments. Firstly, there is the large number of footfalls in outdoor […]

Information and Interactive Outdoor Signage

Outdoor advertising is a huge industry. In the UK alone it accounts for nearly £1.4 billion annually and is growing over ten percent each year, driven partly by the outdoor digital signage market, which currently makes up 14% of all outdoor sales (£1 in £8 spent). Outdoor digital signage is becoming increasingly attractive to advertisers […]

Dooh on a Budget – Cost Effective Solutions

Digital out of home (Dooh) is a just a handle for the more commonly known digital signage. This is basically the use of modern flat screen TVs like plasmas or LCDs (liquid crystal displays) used out of the home environment for advertising, branding, information or promotion. While Dooh is a fast-expanding and burgeoning industry, there […]

Digital Signage – Common Questions

Being a new media, digital signage is still a mystery to many people and while many retailers and advertisers are taking advantage of the versatility and flexibility of digital advertising, some people are being left behind as they are unsure exactly as to how, or why, they should embark down the digital signage route. To […]

Outdoor TVs for the Smoking Ban – Outdoor Bar and Pub Entertainment

Following smoking bans in the UK and across Europe, many bar owners and publicans are being forced to look to outdoor areas as more and more people spend evenings outside. Keeping customers happy can be difficult at the best of times but with outdoor areas things can be more troublesome. Patio heaters and smoking shelters […]

Inexpensive Mass Communication with Outdoor Digital Signage

Getting noticed and spreading your message is as important in the modern digital world as it has always been. The difference today, in comparison with years gone by is the number of ways information can be disseminated. Modern technologies such as the internet and mobile phones have joined the long line of other communication methods […]