Digital Poster – digital signage made easy

With so many facets to a digital signage campaign – screens, media players, content, LCD enclosures – it can be extremely daunting for those without much technical know-how to get involved. And when you just want a simple solution to promote products having to outsource several aspects can make the whole scheme seem too much […]

Uses of Outdoor TV Screens – Finding People

Modern flat screen TVs are now becoming just as common a technology outside the home as they are in. From retail stores to shopping malls, digital LCD screens are a common sight, used for promotion, advertising and brand awareness. And outdoor locations are becoming increasingly common too with outdoor digital signage now a common sight […]

Simple Methods of Approaching Digital Signage

The popularity of using LCD screens in out of home environments doesn’t seem to be waning. Screens are now a common sight in many shopping and retail parks, transportation hubs and even outdoor digital signage along the high street. However, there are still many people put off embarking in this new medium because of complexities […]

Outdoor Screens Made Simple

No longer are TV screens only found in the front rooms and TV parlours. Modern flat screen devices like the LCD TV are commonly used in out of home activities like advertising and digital signage. And even outside these screens are replacing the billboards and signage commonly associated with outdoor advertising. However, outdoor digital signage […]

Challenges of Outdoor Displays

Outdoor displays are increasing in popularity due to the benefits of using an LCD screens; in comparison with traditional methods of providing information or marketing, which far outweigh the initial overheads of implementing outdoor screens. The challenges involved with outdoor digital signage are quite numerous: weather protection, temperature control, coping with direct sunlight and anti-vandalism […]

Digital Signage in Hostile Locations

With digital signage now widespread, it has become a common sight in shopping malls, concourses and airports. And this new media is seeping into outdoor locations too with outdoor digital signage along roadsides and the high street; replacing the traditional posters and billboards commonly associated with outdoor advertising. And the reason for this change to […]

Low Cost Digital Signage Options

More and more businesses are getting into digital signage as a method of marketing and communication. And those businesses that are not already implementing out of home media like this – are considering it. One of the major factors that can often put people off getting involved in digital signage is the cost and a […]

The Role of LCD Enclosures in Digital Signage

With digital signage now being so prevalent there are few locations where screens haven’t yet been used for either advertising or information. But not every location is suitable for display screens – especially in outside or industrial locations where weather and other elements can damage and disable a screen. This is where LCD enclosures come […]

Who Uses LCD Enclosures and Why?

LCD enclosures are increasingly becoming a popular item for those wanting to protect LCD screens. LCD enclosures are often steel housings that allow standard or commercial screens to be erected in areas where they can’t normally survive. LCD enclosures are used either outdoors, in industrial areas or where there is a risk of damage, vandalism […]

Digital Posters – Marketing in a modern world

The poster is familiar to us all; for over a hundred years posters have been providing visual imagery for a multitude of reasons: • Promotion • Commercial • Political • Art Posters were a natural development of the printing process and once colour lithography became commonplace they started cropping up everywhere. Now, posters are everywhere […]