Protecting Screens in Outdoor Locations

Outdoor screens are now a popular and common from of information and advertising. Far more practical than static signage, outdoor digital signage has many benefits: Attractive and eye-catching outdoor digital signage will be far more noticeable than static signage. Moving images and transitions draw the eye and make the content really stand out. Remote uploading […]

Outdoor Digital Signage it is not just advertising – Other Uses of outdoor screens

While outdoor digital signage has emerged as large sector of the total outdoor advertising market, with LCD screens placed in all sorts of locations, from high streets to train stations; advertising is not the only use for outdoor screens. Information displays are common, especially around transport hubs and in city centres – used for things […]

Which Way Round – Orientation of Outdoor Digital Signage

The screens used for outdoor digital signage, housed in plasma/LCD enclosures, are pretty much the same devices used for home TV viewing. While they are commonly commercial grade, this just makes them slightly more proficient at being left on for 24 hour periods. While the devices may be the same, the way they are used […]

Creating the Right Outdoor Digital Signage Content

Ask anybody involved with digital signage and they will tell you content is king. Okay, there is danger of this becoming a cliché but as the purpose of all advertising and information screens is to display content, then in the case of digital out of home (Dooh) it is truly is the most important aspect. […]

Basics of Outdoor TV and Digital Signage Protection

Flat panel screens like LCD or plasma TVs have gone from just being a device to watch TV shows and films on to a wider, more commercial use. Digital out of home (Dooh) is a growing industry and encompasses all sorts of out of home use for commercial screens. Digital signage is perhaps the most […]

Where to Mount an Outdoor Display Screen

Due to the falling cost of LCD screens and the development of protective LCD enclosures for outdoor use, more and more screens are being installed in outdoor locations and for a variety of reasons: information, entertainment, outdoor advertising or outdoor digital signage. Outdoor screens can be seen in all sorts of locations – flat against […]

Using Displays in Outdoor and Harsh Environments

The humble monitor, computer display and television have gone through dramatic changes over the last decade or so. The traditional cathode ray tube (CRT) has all but been replaced by the flat panel device – such as the plasma or LCD screen. These modern displays are more versatile in their use and are no longer […]

Digital Billboards – Challenges and Hurdles

The world of outdoor digital signage is a quagmire of obstacles and hurdles and yet it is a small wonder that so many people are still prepared to negotiate the challenges and embark on a digital outdoor campaign. The reason for this is perhaps due the many advantages that using display screens for outdoor advertising […]

A Greener Future for Outdoor Digital Signage

There are many advantages to using outdoor digital signage: Its engaging, flexible, versatile and dynamic allowing advertisements to be scheduled for key times and even multiple adverts displayed on a single space. But despite these advantages are there are drawbacks to using outdoor screens for promotion and advertising, especially when it concerns the environment. There […]

Choosing the Correct Sized Screen and Orientation for Digital Signage Applications

Choosing screens for digital signage can often be a difficult task. Whether it’s for a retail unit or for outdoor digital signage, one of the most common errors that people implementing digital signage often make is choosing the wrong sized screen. Obviously, as with any advertising or information system you want your digital screen to […]