Industrial Computer: Potential Explosive Atmospheres: ATEX

Computers really haven’t been with us long but in the space of two decades they permeated every aspect of our lives. Our offices, homes, cars and even mobile phones contain as much computing power than that was available when the United States put a man on the moon. Its no surprise to find that computers […]

Touch Screen – Types and Applications.

Touch screen monitors were invented in 1971 by Dr. Samuel C. Hurst and since then have become increasingly popular, particularly in industrial computing but their recent use in mobile phones has seen a huge surge in development of this technology. Commercial and Industrial Touch screens combine both input and output devices getting rid of the […]

Industrial Accidents – Protecting Industrial Computers

Industrial areas are highly dangerous places. Heavy machinery, industrial processes like grinding and forklift trucks whizzing around can make the average factory a potential death-trap. Fortunately, most companies take health and safety seriously, as they should, and death and injury are now fortunately less common. However each year forklift trucks (FLT) are involved in over […]

Computer Enclosures – Protecting data

If you talk about computer protection and people automatically assume you are discussing anti-virus and anti-spyware software. At a pinch they may suggest that looking after data is also high on their list of security measures. But what if your computer gets stolen and it contains a lot of your personal date? Even worse what […]

Protection for PC’s an Alternative to Industrial Computers

Computers are now to be found every where from our offices and homes to inside our cars and even washing machines.  Computers are now being tasked to do jobs in all sorts of industry from finance to heavy production plants. However, not all environments are suited to a computer. Computers are electronic instruments and like […]

Computer Safes and Data Protection – It’s Not Just Laptops!

We are all aware by now of computer identity theft, computer theft and data losses. Nearly every week it seems some high level civil servant of intelligence chief has left a laptop on a train or a memory stick in a pub and we are constantly being reminded on being careful with the information we […]

Computers and Hygiene

It may surprise many people to learn that computer workstations harbour far more bacteria and germs than the average toilet seat. It has been said that many of the minor illnesses that keep people off work are actually caused by workstations and the office environments. Many offices can be described as sick, in that they […]

EN 60529 – Ingress protection

EN 60529 is a European directive designed to specify degrees of protection provided by electronic enclosures. EN 60529 is governed by CENELEC – The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. It is a standardized measure to ensure that computer enclosures can cope with certain criteria. The directive gives a two digit IP rating (ingress protection) for […]

Industrial Computer Enclosures – Common Questions

What is an Industrial computer Enclosure? An industrial computer enclosure is put simply a box that protects a housed computer. It does not necessarily take the place of a normal PC enclosure but acts as a containing unit where an entire PC can be installed inside to gain protection from the elements of an industrial […]

Converting IP Ratings and NEMA codes

NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) has established a range of standards for electrical equipment enclosures.  NEMA codes tend to be used by countries outside of Europe, including the USA. NEMA codes use a number to describe the level of protection afforded by electrical equipment enclosures European countries use the European Union IP Rating system from […]