Who Uses Industrial Computer Enclosures?

Industrial computer enclosures are utilised by tens of thousands of businesses interested in protecting their IT investments in hostile areas. Whilst we are used to seeing computers in our offices and homes, the digital revolution has impacted the industrial and manufacturing sector as well. Computers, touch screen monitors and printers are now a prerequisite for […]

Dust and IP54 Protection

Dust is prevalent in many workplaces. It is not necessarily a lack of good housekeeping that can cause a build up of dust but processes in industrial applications in particular generate lots of dust. Dust has terrible consequences for people’s health but it can also have other hidden dangers as well as being highly damaging […]

Body Armour Protects Avon and Somerset PC from Angry Attack

Whilst police constables in most forces are now equipped with body armour, Avon and Somerset Police are using it to protect another type of PC – their computers. The force has installed Armagard’s Penc 300 compact computer enclosure in custody suites to protect their valuable new computer equipment and it has already withstood an attack. […]

Industrial Computer: Coping With Water

Computers are now as essential a part of production lines as they are in office environments. A computer running a production line will save money, increase efficiency and reduce waste. Unfortunately many production lines are unsuited for the delicate electronics of a computer. Not only can production lines be dirty and full of dust many […]

Industrial PC – Coping with Dustproof Environments

Computers are now an integral part of almost every aspect of business. No longer are computers the prerequisite of office environments as computers are now charged with controlling all types of processes in all types of areas. Production lines, goods-in, despatch and packing areas are all areas where computers are used as part of an […]

Industrial Computer Enclosures – Protecting PC’s from Damage

Computers have found their way into almost every part of our daily lives. They are no longer just found in our offices and homes but are also part and parcel of industry, manufacturing and production. Unfortunately the industrial environment is a lot different to the warm and cosy surrounds of the office of home. Industrial […]

Industrial Computer – Reasons for Failure

An industrial computer is just the same as a conventional PC, only they are designed and built to withstand many of the harsh elements of industrial environments. Industrial areas contain many of things that computers and other sensitive electrical items struggle to cope with. Water is prevalent in many industrial areas particularly those that process […]

Industrial Computer Enclosures – Protecting Vulnerable Printers and Computers

Computers are everywhere now. They are no longer just the sole requisite of the office but can be found everywhere from our kitchen appliances, cars and mobile phones controlling many functions and aspects of our lives. Computers may have dropped down in price dramatically over the last few years but the replacement cost of a […]

Industrial Computer Enclosures: Types

Industrial Computer Enclosures come in all shapes and sizes, protecting all types of hardware. here is a selection of the types of enclosure:

Industrial Computer – Preventing Failure

Computer failure can be as costly as it can be annoying. With an office PC a new unit can be quickly installed with little need to call a service engineer. However, in the world of industrial computers a PC failure can be catastrophic. Industrial computers quite often control production processes, manufacturing lines and stock control […]